I'm really confused, would love some help <3

Hokay so, I've been trying to lose weight for months, and I can't seem to shake it. At times I can shake a KG or two, then other times I end up putting weight on. It's driving me nuts and I find so much conflicting information.

I have restricted my calorie intake. On a work day I will have two weetbix in the morning, 6 nuts + pepermint tea (no sugar) for a snack, a salad with lettuce, chick peas, tomatoes, chicken, onion, and cheese for lunch. For dinner I may have a roast pork, or roast lamb, with vegetables and mashed potatoes. This does change throughout the week especially with dinner, as Thursday it might be rice and kransky sausages (sausages with cheese in them), and Friday it can get a bit overboard with a salmon fillet, calamari rings + chips (the frozen ones at the supermarket), prawns, tomato, cheese and cucumber. Weekends aren't very stellar, either I might get some sushi (rice + salmon and some octopus dumblings, 8 of those), or I have resorted to two meat pies and some mini Frankfurts for lunch.

The thing that I struggle with is exercise, but not in the way you think. Monday/Tuesday nights I do 2 hours of martial arts. Weekends I do 45m of walking (leisurely pace), but I also like to jump on the exercise bike for a hour or more. So I'm happy to do exercise, but I don't know how to incorporate it into my diet? I have used the fitness pal before and at the start of the week it says I can burn over 1000 calories due to martial arts. Is that right? I have tried to keep my calorie intake to around 1500-1600, though I don't even know if thats what I should be eating. And I'm pretty sure some days I blow over that, but others I might go way under due to the exercise.

So long story short, how much should I be eating when I intend to do hours of workouts? Should I be far more consistent with my calorie intake on the weekends? How many calories should I eat when I'm not doing a lot of exercise?

Any advice would be great <3