weekend problems!

alphasigalum Posts: 86
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hello, I wanted to see if anyone has the same issues I have. I am great during the week, always track my food and exercise but for some reason, the weekend it all goes down hill. I seem to think that it's ok to blow it and then of course I have a horrible weigh in. For example, last night I was over my calories by at least 500!
What do you do on the weekend to stay motivated? Any suggestions you can provide will be much appreciated!!


  • I figure out what I am eating the night before...and put in on here.....always have a bottle of cold water with me to curb the edge....I am just starting but hope this is my last time starting. This website really helps me keep on track. Good luck!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I'm have an active social life on the weekends, so I understnad hw hard it can be! All I do is eat as best as possible (if we go out to eat, get a plate of salad or chicken with some kind of veggies, no pastas or rice) and if i'm at a cookout, i jsut get the bbq meat, no sauce, and sides or whatever is healthiest, usually a salad though, but sometimes they have kabobs....and if you have jsut 5 minutes during the day, log verything you ate, because then it might motivate you to do better on sunday. If you are going to drink alcohol, then absolutely no desserts whatsoever....and vice versa.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    i take saturday off from exercising, so i don't have extra calories to eat. i drink water and try to keep myself busy. if i decide to eat something, i eat it and it's a part of my calories. i hate going over my calories and i'm probably better on the weekend than i am during the week.
  • i am the same way. I usually try to be a little more active during the day (extra minutes working out) if I know I'm going to be drinking or eating more than I usually do. And if I'm out and I'll be drinking, I do drink, then water, then drink...cuts back on my overall intake of drinks.
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    I understand completely, but I try to do smaller portions and get in some kind of exercise. This has been a terrible week for me food and exercise, but I realized when I looked back, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I'm reigning it in. Last night was my anniversary, so I royally blew it at Outback! Then again, that is a once a year treat, and a wonderful date for my husband and me. I do suggest getting in your water.
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    I try and prepare dinner at home...something a little more complex than my typical Monday thru Friday dinners. And if I am going to have a drink or two I log it early in the day so I can plan my meals around it. I have learned to that to reach my goals I have to make it through the weekend...those are my most challenging days.
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    saturday is my kick-my-own-*kitten* workout day, that way i feel okay if i have a little extra to eat or if someone invites me out for drinks. it's part of my routine now. every saturday i go for my long run first thing in the morning, even before breakfast. then when i get back i have a bowl of fiber one cereal (keeps you full) and an apple. the long workout means i'm eating a semi-late breakfast, which means a semi-late lunch, which for me, usually means i'm eating less. it's very easy for me to keep the calories low and breakfast and lunch healthy, so i just leave a good amount of room for a fun saturday night.
  • weekends are my hardest time too !! I try to log what I am going to eat before I eat it !! Drink LOTS of water and think in my mind what I WILL look like in a few months....that keeps me on track !!!
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    i was always like this on weekend as time went on just got better & better.
    it did take couple months but now am fine i dnt think of weekends to be off days, just like any other day of the week now.
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    double post
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