Any SAD folks out there? (Seasonal Affective Disorder)



  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    Me. I hate fall. I hate winter. I hate the cold part of spring. It's just miserable.

    This sounds like me, every year for the past...well, too many years. Last year I tried snowshoeing which helped, probably because I was outside getting some light. This year, so far I've been doing pretty well but that may be because I'm exercising every single day.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Try to get outside during the daylight hours, D3 tablets (taken when eating calcium rich foods), going to bed earlier/getting up w/ the sun, if I'm feeling really "ugh", I will take a trip to my local tanning salon and pay for a couple of sessions (to use over the span of weeks or months), just for a quick fix ...
  • lazylionlounging
    lazylionlounging Posts: 3 Member
    I have SAD. In fact, I'm sitting under my light right now. I have a routine of drinking coffee and sitting under my light before my kids get up. I take vit D and St Johns Wort plus exercise and trying to eat healthy. I find walking outside every day does wonders for me. Still, it never goes away completely. I tried anti depressants one winter but the side effects were horrible.

    Does anyone else have a harder time losing weight in the winter?

    The high dose Vitamin D, St Johns Wort and exercise work for me too. I live in the Seattle area and it is grey and depressing here for most of the fall and winter.

    It definitely effects my weight - I always gain in winter.
  • carolose46
    carolose46 Posts: 199 Member
    I think you described almost anyone living in Iceland :P fish and vitamin supplements for the win.. and christmas lights we put up in Oktober and take down in februar/march :P

  • sarah456s
    sarah456s Posts: 98 Member
    I moved to Florida. Now I don't have a problem. It totally changed my life. :)

    But I feel bad for you guys still struggling with it.
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    Yup, sucking the life right now of me. :/
  • tannadine
    tannadine Posts: 115 Member
    Yep, sufferer here - I have bipolar disorder and the winter makes things much, MUCH worse. My mum bought me a SAD lamp, which I've not used much of, but I do take an omega 3 supplement to help deal with the depression and things seem to have been slightly better since then. I also take a pretty heavy dose of antidepressant though, so that might have something to do with it too!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I figured out that I might have it this year when thinks just felt too dark, along with unusual anxiety and depression. I love gardening, so the amount of sunlight I usually get drops so much in the winter. I started taking vitamin D and it helped a lot! I'd still like to get a light for it. Mostly, I'd love a day out gardening in short sleeves!! That one will have to wait, unfortunately ;)