Trying to eat all my calories!

dfwtxmissy Posts: 102
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
So here is my dilemma. I have 1530 calories per day. I have found I have decreased appetite and for breakfast and lunch I have eaten a whopping 312ish calories. I will say I am on Chantix to stop smoking and it kinda nauseates me however I have been noticing the decrease prior to this. I work out 2-4 times a week which includes aquatic bootcamp. I have tons of energy and am not noticing anything bad going on. Am losing weight like I should be.

What am I suppose to do? If I try to do the calories, healthy calories, I am afraid I won't keep the food down.

I am so motivated but want to do it the correct way so as not to suffer any consequences.

Any advice would be appreciated.


  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    The only thing I can think of is to try and eat smaller meals throughout the day instead of breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you do 6 meals, you only have to work on trying to get ~250 calories per meal. It's less work for your body to digest it so it's less likely to make you sick, if that's what's causing it. Also have something small before and after you work out to help eat back some of your exercise calories and make sure your body isn't running on empty when it needs fuel the most.

    You probably also want to talk to your doctor about it. He/she might have some other suggestions.

    Other than that - good job on the working out and energy levels :)
  • hey there, I have the same problem ( with the exception of today for some reason)...I've found nuts are a good way to boost my calorie intake. A handful ( 15 or so) of almonds is around 150 cals. Its good protein, healthy fat and doesn't make you feel like you've over eaten.
  • dfwtxmissy
    dfwtxmissy Posts: 102
    I always eat something before working out. Usually a sandwich with wheat bread and honey ham. I have several things I snack on that are good for me. Just trying to eat so much is the hard part. And I don't feel like my body is screaming for more energy. I have tried to snack and I can't.

    I just saw my doctor everything yesterday and he said the same thing. Smaller meals more frequently but I feel the same. Maybe my body is in shock at the healthy food I am eating and doesn't know how to react.
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    So first off, CONGRATULATIONS on quitting smoking! That's no easy feat. You've got quite a full plate, and to have tons of engery...Awesome!
    Like fitterpam mentioned, eating small meals may help. I try and eat little things all day long to keep up my calories. For example I will eat a serving of almonds (Costco has these to die for sea salted almonds) if I am low on cals for the day. Or some peanut butter with celery is bland enough on an upset tummy. Also may want to look into making a smoothie, skim milk, fat free yogurt, bananas, peaches, strawberries etc. You can buy frozen fruits to use. I add some protein powder to a smoothie on days I feel I need more of a boost, or days that my body shows signs of fatigue. Also I've recently tried those fiber one bars, they are great for grabbing a few cals to fill the void. I tend to cut them up and eat one throughout the day.
    I am sure others will have more advice for you that will help you with your health goals. Your awesome for working so darn hard Missy!
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    First of all, congratulations on stopping smoking.. That is great.. I am always happy when people stop smoking..
    One of the side effects of Chantix is nausea as you said and sometimes high blood pressure. It will wear off after few weeks (usually 3 to 4 weeks).
    My advice if you are feeling nauseated is to drink some ginger tea.. it will sooth your stomach.
    as for your caloric intake, you can divide it to 3 medium meals and 3 snacks.. that way you sustain the energy throughout the day. Here are some ideas for snacks:\

    have some fruits handy, they are easy to eat and very good for you..
    Have some almonds and walnuts (raw), they are very good for you internally [heart, liver, muscles, etc..] and externally [beautiful skin and hair]:)
    have some plain yogurt handy..Such as low fat greek yogurt (about 15g of protein and only 100 calories)
    have some power bars (make sure they have enough protein and fiber)

    Hope this helps a bit..
    To your health
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I always eat something before working out. Usually a sandwich with wheat bread and honey ham. I have several things I snack on that are good for me. Just trying to eat so much is the hard part. And I don't feel like my body is screaming for more energy. I have tried to snack and I can't.

    I just saw my doctor everything yesterday and he said the same thing. Smaller meals more frequently but I feel the same. Maybe my body is in shock at the healthy food I am eating and doesn't know how to react.

    Which is a good point. If this is something that is relatively new, your body probably is just adjusting to the new regime. Do what you can. If you've only just switched to smaller meals, give it time to work....a minimum of at least 2 weeks for your body to adjust before you decide whether or not it is something you can live with long term.

    I just started my weight loss journey again about 6 weeks ago and I felt "seasick" after some meals - it was a combination of nausea and more water than I was used to. I looked at the specific meals that I felt sick after and realized that they were my lower carb meals. I adjusted my carb intake to raise it up just a little (to take the shock out of my system). After that I just kept at it and within a week the feeling left or at least I hope it has....LOL :laugh: Sometimes when we go too fast, our body tells us to slow're in it for the marathon, not the sprint
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Oh I just looked at your diary and you seem to have a high sodium intake.. Be careful with that.. Try keeping your sodium intake lower than 2500 per day..
    And I think that if you just switch to smaller meals/snacks and incorporate more fresh produce, you will be fine..

  • dfwtxmissy
    dfwtxmissy Posts: 102
    Thanks to everyone...I have gotten some very good information.

    Yes, I am trying to watch the sodium intake as I do have high blood pressure. Genetic and no reason for it..Me and my sister both inherited this awesome condition from our father..Love you pop...LOL

    Love nuts so that will be first on my list. My weakness which I find helps is the Fit and Active bars from Aldi..just ate one actually as I am clearing out clothes, letting go as it were, so that I cannot go back to the bigger sizes..needless to say my closet is half empty.

    Tons of energy..waiting on hubbie to wake up so we can go to the gym and get some workout of some sort in..that helps me to expend the energy and able to eat a better rounded meal which by the way will be spaghetti with wheat pasta.

    Unfortunately, back to the sodium, this tends to calm my stomach and pickles are my drug of choice. But I feel that will soon change to the almonds in sea salt as that is yet another excuse to go to Costco.

    Thank You all..I am really enjoying this journey I am taking because it is for me and my family. Maybe I have a warped sense of humor but now that I am beginning to see the results of the sweating and aches, I am planning small goals.

    Retail therapy...oh yes my friends...retail therapy...My husband just makes faces at me knowing the money I will spend....LOL
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