Holistic Medicine, Low Carb-High Fat Diet

I just stumbled upon this website trying to find relief from wisdom tooth pain and discovered clove tea, which I am currently drinking and it is helping a great deal.

However, I noticed the weight loss tab and took a gander. Some interesting information in there about fats and insulin resistance. Being a pescatarian there are many fats I wont eat, but before reading this I recently decided to start adding more good fats to my diet and reducing my carbs as much as possible. I have already noticed I am fuller longer. I am not sure about fueling workouts because I can't workout with this wisdom tooth issue.

I would love to see your opinions on the information presented!



  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    883 posts

    Get your wisdom teeth out...

    It is isnt that bad.