Day 1

It has been over a year since I stopped working hard on losing weight as I became pregnant with my third child. Now 3 weeks away from his 1st birthday and I feel ashamed and disgusting over the fact that I have done nothing to keep losing weight and have actually made it worse for myself but putting back on at least 10kg since he was born.
I am tired of going to shops and not finding my size. I am tired of being in denial that I am actually a XXL when I always pick up a XL to try on. I am tired of my jean size being the same as my age or close to.
I feel ashamed to be in family pictures for fear of being referred to as the fat sibling and so I am beginning again. My sister Nicola is returning from her mission exactly 3 months from today's date and I have given myself the next 3 months to work towards getting into better shape.
I have already been attacking my sever dependence of fast food and now I am working on incorporating exercise back into my lifestyle, regardless of whether I have to tag my children along or not.

I would love to be in groups or forums of people with similarities to me ie. overweight while raising 3 children under 5, overweight, 25 year old etc.

Weigh in Day: Tuesday
Starting Weight: 118.8kg
5% Goal = 112.8kg
I am 5.9kg away from my 5% Goal!


  • alshipulshi
    Hi :) im 19 with an almost 2 year old girl. Even though i was never healthy about my eating i somehow managed to stay the same weight (around 75kgs) but somehow over the past few months i have put on 10kg and feel horrible about myself too. I really want to get myself fot for my daughter and i have no friends on here as i have only just started today. I would love to be your friend so we can support ourselves through getting fit, especially with kids who we need to care for (even though i only have one and you have three lol!) but still would be good to talk to you :)