Slipping farther into depression



  • determined2bfit13
    determined2bfit13 Posts: 91 Member
    I know the feeling...I was feeling like this a week ago and decided to join this site. It was like my body and my mind couldn't get it together. I wanted to work out but I felt too depressed to get up and do it. I just decided that I can't continue to do this to myself. No matter what people tell you, it has to come from YOU. You just have to do it for yourself...Just take it one step at a time. Just get some fun workout music, pump it loud and go for a walk...breath deep and just MOVE......

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • jessa271
    I've suffered from debilitating depression for over 20 years. I have found that getting into a workout routine & steadily losing weight has helped, but I know it's hard to get that energy to move. If it's just you feeling like you've got a mountain to climb with weight and getting in shape, reach out to more friends on here or ask a RL friend to buddy up with you at the gym.

    I see your baby in your pic and if it's possibly a post-partum depression, you should talk to your doctor. You don't have to see a psychiatrist, your regular GP or gyno can help. There are a lot of meds if the depression is recurrent or stronger than you can fight alone. Just know that there are resources out there for you. We're friends on here already, so if you ever want to chat, just send me a message!

    Good luck and hugs
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Another person here with a history of depression! This year I got back into a regular fitness regimen and it has helped a great deal. I still have to take meds and am looking into counseling to help with some of my anxiety issues -- but I really think taking some time to work out, even if it's just a walk, is a good way to just "take a break" from life and all its problems.
  • blondiebabe92
    blondiebabe92 Posts: 132 Member
    As someone who suffers from depression and financial problems I feel your pain. You are never too far gone. You can always better yourself and the hardest person to persuade that to is yourself. Even when it seems like everything is against just do something. A 10 minute video, a 2 mile walk. Just move! You deserve every second you spend on your self. Tell the voice in your head to shove it and do 20 jumping jacks! If you need help let me know!
  • calliekitten9
    calliekitten9 Posts: 148 Member
    Every time I get motivated to exercise I get depressed because I feel like it won't do any good, that im "too far gone" . It's sooo frustrating. Feel so depressed all the time, having financial trouble these past few months doesn't help. Wish I could find a way to make myself think more positive...

    Last Friday I felt really down...but I still went for a walk and then did an exercise video and afterwards, I did feel a ton better. may want to look at this article and see if doing some of the suggestions would help:
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Every time I get motivated to exercise I get depressed because I feel like it won't do any good, that im "too far gone" . It's sooo frustrating. Feel so depressed all the time, having financial trouble these past few months doesn't help. Wish I could find a way to make myself think more positive...

    Think of it this way, you're most probably farr faaarrr ahead of those who are sitting on the couch, at home, eating some crisps and coke, watching tv, rotting away :)

    Heck, by just dieting, you're already doing 50% of the work!

    Tough thing to face is that it WILL take time, but oooh man is it worth it when you get there :) Chin up, look at is as a journey whereby you seek to grow constantly.. The only time you've failed is when you stop trying!

    Good luck!!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Positivity in the face of (any kind of) hardship is not an easy thing to accomplish. Sometimes, it just feels like it's asking too much. I feel your pain. If you can't be positive right now, you can still work on some things to improve your situation. You don't have to spend an hour in the gym every day, and you don't need to feel overwhelmed about exercise. It's important to get out and move, but when it comes to weight loss, it's mostly about what you eat.

    You're not too far gone. Even the worst of situations can improve, and any improvement is a step in the right direction.
  • zzk0485
    zzk0485 Posts: 51 Member
    So grateful for everyone's kind words, support, and motivation!! Makes me feel a little better each time I read a reply :) Good luck to everyone on their journeys!