C'mon, myfitnesspals, show me how you can motivate

Here I am the Human YO YO. Maybe I should just change my name to YO YO.

Man I was doing SO well...so well!!! Then I went on 2 road trips with people who can eat a ton and nothing happens to their scales. I just smell food and I gain (ok, I know that isn't possible but I swear that......anyways) I have gained and I'm on a real low right now. I don't want to give up but I can't seem to find the positive words to fill my mind with what I need to keep going on this journey. Simply, if you could reply to this with a pick me up I would greatly appreciate it from the bottom of my fatty heart.


  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    If you overate you and gained a couple just use it as a tool. Your metabolism will be in high gear, eat well and and work hard it will be back off in not time
  • prinqt
    prinqt Posts: 29 Member
    Me and my friends at work are all doing this site together. And one of the things I am doing to help keep us motivated is emailing a funny diet saying every Friday. Google or Yahoo Search "Funny Diet Quotes". The results will give you a fun kick!
    Stay with it. Nothing worth while comes easy. Until then, laugh a little, it burns off calories too :)
  • StarryEyedGirl
    how bad do you want this? make it happen then! you fell off so get back up and do it again! I am right there with you! I am not ready to give this up but man am I having motivation issues lately.... lets do this! we can girl!! I don't want to fail again either!!
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day! Just realize that each day you have a choice of what you are going to eat and how you are going to exercise. Giving in now would be depressing. I definitely overate this weekend, but I know that I can just start back the right way tomorrow.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    i'm not the soft kind of person, i'm more of the tell it like it is tough love kind of person--- it was always what i needed so hope it helps so here goes

    you made bad choices that caused weight gain, maybe fat maybe just water weight from sodium intake either way feeling sorry for yourself and continuing to make those bad choices certainly aren't going to undo everything you are upset about. so pick up your big girl panties and get back to work with what you know works :D
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    So I'm on that "see-food" diet... If I see food, my body thinks it ate it so gains the calories from it..:laugh:
    Seriously though, it does sometimes feels that way. My Baby sister can eat half a ton of food, doesn't count cals, fat, sodium, nothing & she is a size 5 (would be a 3 but baby got back LOL). I eat half of what she eats, count cals, fat & limit sodium & I'm an 11/13 (she's 5'8" & I'm 5'6"ish).
    However, with that said... I've been on MFP since Jan this year, and really watching what I do, eat, etc & it took a while but the fruits of my labor are paying off in spades! Even when I go on a binge or "fall of the wagon" I make it up with a simple promise I made when I started this journey... Each work-day morning I wake up extra early & work out/exercise: if we have to go somewhere on a week-end or no-work day, I'll wake up early as well to exercise & then get ready to go wherever we're going. It helps me feel better & if I eat something "bad" I have no guilt. Today we spent the day at Universal Studios Florida (live here) and I ate cotton candy & chips and junk... but I exercised before I showered to get ready to go and that is my reward.
    Don't punish yourself, no matter what you do (whether you should have done it, ate it or not), just go along with it & "reward" yourself with something like a bit of extra exercise & a new shirt/jeans/necklace/lipstick (whatever your favorite non-food "thing" is) and keep going :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    PS - if we go somewhere (vacation, road trip, etc) I have a Tai Chi & Tai Chi Kick-boxing DVD's saved on our laptop: I don't need weights or mats so I can do these workouts without schlepping other stuff & they work! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • st27
    st27 Posts: 101
    Hey ! You Can do this !!! It does take will power but you can get this started again. So what you over did it...everyone does once in a while. Just focus on what it is you want with your weight lose program and start over again. Write things down. Your food and workouts. Stay around ppls that will help you in your journey. Like Us. Good luck. You Can do this!!!
  • PJRiner
    PJRiner Posts: 58
    I was the YO YO Queen and after two years of research I decided to have Gastric Lap Band surgery. Best decision of my life but a very personal choice. In the pre-op process they discovered that I suffer from Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea which answered all the health issues I had including my weight. This may have saved my life going forward so I am eternally grateful. It is a lifestyle change and a slow process but all in all a blessing! THINK THIN and never give up your goal!
  • MzMolly
    MzMolly Posts: 169 Member
    I agree with Sassy! I always tell my kids life is about choices! You need to choose what you want and if you are willing to work for it. yes it is hard and we all slip once in a while, that does not mean we give up. We just start over! I finally reached a weight of 286 pounds and started having liver problems. I ate myself into a life or death choice. I CHOOSE LIFE!! I am now at 205 pounds and have a long way to go yet. Everyday I have to work hard and make good food choices and exercise but I will no longer put my life on hold because I am fat. I choose to live again and live hopefully a long and healthy life.