Why are you doing this??



  • fitgaltoo
    fitgaltoo Posts: 19 Member
    Also really great men loooooovvvvveee women who are happy with themselves. That means they don't have to come along and be your happiness as you are already a happy person. Its a lot more fun to be around someone who is already happy in a relationship.
  • Minx675
    Minx675 Posts: 30 Member
    I wasn't trying to necessarily lose weight when I started...I started tracking my food for health reasons and to see if I could reverse some really bad blood work and get off my meds (I'm only 39) with diet and exercise...in the mean time, I happend to lose 40 lbs and I am off all of those meds save for one. My focus now is basically being more awesome each and every day...always improving on my fitness and nutrition.

    I hate to say it, but "shallow" motivations don't tend to lend themselves to long term success. It's such a long haul, and you have to realize that there really is no finish line...you're never done. The most successful people I know here and elsewhere do not look to these kinds of things or "special events" for motivation...they just do..they just go and exercise the same way they get up every morning and brush their teeth...they get their nutrition on just as routinely as taking a shower. It's part of their routine and part of their lifestyle. They are focused on the process, not some arbitrary end results...because in the end, there really is no end.

  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I wanted to get laid. A lot. Wasn't happening when I was fat.

    I lost weight and started getting laid.
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    I can only say for myself, but I do this for me.

    Everything after that flows with that. My confidence, my happiness, the way I look and feel. This then flows onto my family, what I do with them and the benefits that they get from us all be healthy. They are now more active and eating a lot better as well and hopefully I am a better role model for them.

    So if your reason is to have a partner and that makes you feel good then I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    Not unhealthy if you think of it as feeling better about yourself, which leads to confidence, which could lead to a potential boyfriend. Focus on yourself though and don't try to be anything other than you for anyone else. I did that for too long and I am now single again. Thankfully I have a different perspective this time around and I am going to be damn choosy. ;) Good luck to you!
  • It's been my experience that if you are not doing it for the right reasons, you will fail.

    You need to do this for you, not another person, nor to attract another person.

    It's kinda like quitting smoking - if you do it to shut the doctor up, you won't succeed.

    Love yourself enough to want this for you and then you'll open the door for love from someone else :)

    Just MHO

    Good luck
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I think it's fine, as long as you're also doing it for yourself. It's easier to date when you feel confident and attractive!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Although, if you find a partner before you reach your goals, don't let it throw off all your motivation!
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    For me it wouldn't be healthy, because why would I want a mate that wouldn't have been interested in me if I were heavier? I don't want someone like that in my life.

    For me, because I enjoy running, and the less I weigh, the easier it will be to run longer/farther/faster.
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    Do it for yourself. Be happy and healthy. Happiness is incredibly attractive.

    I do this for me. I had gotten to the point where walking hurt my feet and I had no energy. I looked and felt terrible. I do this for my family. I love them and don't want to die younger than I need to. I don't do it because I want to be attractive to other people. Screw anyone who felt my "before" was inferior.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    I don't think its unhealthy, but I do think that it shouldn't be your only reason. Think about how good you will feel about yourself at a healthy weight. Once you start feeling more confident I think everything else will fall into place. I'm married and I would be lying if I said I wasn't partially losing for my hubby too. I want to feel better about myself but I also want my hubby to love the way I look too. That is a bonus and a confidence booster.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Not sure, but it's pretty common. Only my single friends are skinny. My married friends are all over weight.
  • 3wdl
    3wdl Posts: 45
    Thought I'd finally post on the forum, been lurking for a while.

    I'm a typical yo-yo dieter. I've tried WW, Slimmers World, Slim Fast, Special K, Atkins and probably more that I have forgotten. And some of them more than once.

    I've had issues with weight since I was younger, certainly since secondary (high) school for a bit before too. I was bullied badly at school about my weight, which just made it more worse as I comfort ate.

    I was able (despite my issues!) to find a lovely wife and we have three kids together, aged 11, 8 and 4.

    When I started back on MFT I was just over 21st. I want to change so bad, I don't want to die young and I really don't want my kids to get bullied over me - which I know could happen.

    My job is fairly static - sitting on a chair all day and I've been very unfit. A few months ago I signed up to the gym and was going quite often till we went on holiday and I didn't go for a few months after we got back.

    I started back on MFP and exercising just over a week ago. I've not cheated and I've eaten pretty well. I've exercised pretty much every day and in just over a week I've lost around 7lb. I'm also taking Alli to help.

    I have a conference on the 29th October and I'd like to be able to have lost another 7lb by then. My aim is to have lost 2st by the end of the year and if I can do it I will be the lightest I have been in a number of years.

    So that is me - that is why I am doing it and if you want to add me as a friend please do so!
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    good topic you guys

    gotta get deep for a moment

    My motivation was I had nothing left to loose. I didn't care for anything or anyone not even myself but my pride would not let me end it. So I started in attempt to find something I cared about and not only did I find myself, I now care about everyone else on the same journey.

    Real talk

    Love you guys :P

  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    I felt like I was embarrassing my wife and kids.
  • mayflowermn
    mayflowermn Posts: 52 Member
    My motivation?

    Pure vanity and a personality flaw that requires me to be "better" than the average 56 year old guy; I want to be able to strut like an alpha male, turn heads and have people comment on my physique.

    There, I said it. :bigsmile:

    As a 44 year old gal, I absolutely LOVE this response (cause this is how I feel)! Viva la vanity!

    and this one by SoVictorrious!
    I want to be a home wrecker.
  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    I felt like I was embarrassing my wife and kids.

    For me its my kids......
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