
ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I had something weird happen today. I've lost 35 pounds total so far, and thought I would wear one of my cute exercise shirts that previously fit to go on a walk in. I hoped it would, to be an ego-boost. It didn't. I put on an old scraggly T-shirt instead, and realized it was one I've had since I was 13-14 years old (one of those generic size L Heavyweight-type T's). How can that fit, but something I bought and wore less than 10 years ago NOT fit?

It was just one of those wow-gotta-keep-going moments...still depressing!


  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I know how you feel. I pulled out my jeans that were too tight, and they didn't fit like I wanted them to. Some days can be discouraging. I want fast results but also to do this the healthy way. Unfortunatley the healthy way takes time. I made myself feel better by looking back at the reports. In three months I had lost 15 pounds. That is 15 pounds that I have been holding on to for years, and now they are gone. So overall it is working. Shall we keep it up? I feel healthier.
  • What Nutshel said was it in a nutshell. Feeling healthier is the goal. The weight never comes off as fast as we want it to, but if we are feeling healthier (eating healthier, making healthier choices), that is improving all those little things like chelestorel, blood pressure, and the like that we can't see, than we are on the right track. Keep at it and the rest will come.
  • Judycb
    Judycb Posts: 2
    Hey ladies. I'm just getting started today. yall are way ahead of me. My big question is how do you not eat the M&M s, sweet rolls amd other finger foods my significant other insists on having around? Judy
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Hey ladies. I'm just getting started today. yall are way ahead of me. My big question is how do you not eat the M&M s, sweet rolls amd other finger foods my significant other insists on having around? Judy

    Get them out of the house. Demand or Beg support. My husband is not ready to commit to eating healthy, but at home he does. He enjoys my healthy meals, and doesn't complain about there being no junk food in the house. He eats it at work on in restaurants. He is enjoying me being healthier so he understands not having my "trigger' foods around. However, he does keep some cookies around that he knows I don't like. They are not even mildly tempting to me. But Icecream in the freezer is off limts. I hope you get the support you need, find a way to get through to him, or bargain for it.
  • Shawna35
    Shawna35 Posts: 65
    I would say throw them out. :laugh: Or at the very least, buy some healthier alternatives. For example WW has some 100 calorie fudge pops. If you love chips, buy some lower sodium baked kind. I have a love for pizza that I wasn't able to curb. I found 200 calorie Digiorno little pizzas. I do NOT eat them all the time. That would defeat the point of eating healthy. But when the craving wants to take over I will have one.
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