Zombies, Run! Where are you, Runner 5?



  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    I am so getting this application on payday!! It looks like a great way to spice up your run. Since I love running it will be a great way to keep my laughing on the long runs I am doing now :D
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I'm almost through season 2 with the side missions. I'm going to actually be really upset when I run my last mission. I love this app more than any TV show.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    I love this app, i just got it this week and it totally motivated me to get outside and run when i normally wouldnt.
    it helped me to achieve my goal of 20 miles this week
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Yes, been a part of the Zombies, Run group on mfp for as long as ive had the app. love that app. we run at night in the middle of nowhere and nothing is scarier than listening to certain parts, esp about how the zombie outbreak started while running next to the corn fields as a slight wind rustles the corn.

    join the group, we're pretty active there
  • Fiveling
    Fiveling Posts: 44 Member
    The only issue I have with the app is the base section - that is, where you build your base - as it almost consistently crashes on me. The rest of the app works fine though!

    I think we should all follow each other on ZombieLink - you can find me here: https://www.zombiesrungame.com/Toria/.

    @Qski - UK based here, we didn't do one mile runs specifically at school, but at least for the first three years of secondary we did cross-country or laps in PE sometimes.

    @jessecpwrs - laughing, well, wouldn't say the app will do that. The story's almost brought be to tears at certain points, but the only laughter it's gotten from me is bitter and cynical (although I will admit there are some good one-liners and innuendo in the Radio section).

    @ElliotTN - good thing they're planning a new season for next year then, eh?

    @CaliforniaBar - 20 miles, wow! I think I've managed about 10 this week (had to go convert the numbers though - I measure mine in kilometers).
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I'm runner 5 too! Never used the 5k app. In fact I didn't start using the app until after I had already run 2 half marathons, started running a little faster and got my mileage up to 30 per week. Once I got to this level I was suddenly able to get bogged down in my thoughts while running when I originally liked running because it kept me from thinking. So the app lets me escape my life a little bit.
  • BabyNurseJen
    BabyNurseJen Posts: 64 Member
    After reading this thread, I went out running from zombies for the first time in months, and ran more than I could then! I don't (and never did) do the zombie chases since I'm not much of a runner. I'm just ADD and get bored easily and really enjoy the story/music/radio mode.
  • Fiveling
    Fiveling Posts: 44 Member
    I managed to run for 16 minutes straight today! I ran from the first talking bit to the end of the third song, which was apparently about 16 minutes. I was only really jogging for the talking bits, true (7.5 km/h), but it wasn't walking. That's a lot more than I realised I could run. Also, my pace has quickened to ~7 minutes a km (11 min. a mile).

    I was just thinking - someone mentioned earlier they didn't use the app cause they hadn't uploaded any songs to their phone and so had long periods of silence inbetween the radio bits. If you get the amazon app, you can download mp3 files you've previously bought from your 'cloud' without paying again. So if you wanted to get music onto your phone without ripping cds and stuff, that would be one way to do it. Amazon playlists can also be used in ZR.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I have it but only used it once. I normally listen to Pandora or audio books while I run, but since those are also apps, they will not play between story bits. I am not a runner (though I'm getting there) and its really hard to keep going during the big breaks. I have so far been too lazy to go dig out some old cds, put it on my laptop, put it on my phone and get back out there.

    Excuses I know...

    ETA: Except for the "radio silence" I did really enjoy it though.

    I got everything together and ran my first 5k without walking on Saturday! Slow as treacle at 36:16, but I did it! It's a bit funny that I'm so excited when it's 3 minutes slower than my fastest 5k. Just goes to show how much faster I normally run lol that even with walking it was that much faster. Anyway, thanks OP for helping me find the motivation (along with a lovely fall day) to dig the zombies app back out :-p

    P.s. I'm probably the only one who never thought to do this before, but I'll post bc it was so helpful: run with a cough drop in your cheek to keep the cold air from hurting your throat. It helped a lot and lasted the whole 40 minutes.