Getting back into it-- Need advice for motivation!

hooperal Posts: 6 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hello all!
I first started using MFP about a year and a half to two years ago. At the time, I weighed 200 lbs, which was the heaviest I'd ever been. I did really well for a while, and dropped 50 lbs before I fell off the wagon. I haven't been eating very well, nor have I been exercising as much. I'm not sure how, but I have been able to stay at or around 150 lbs for the last eight months that I've been (for lack of better word) bad. I think this is because while sometimes I eat unhealthy, I don't usually eat large portions or very many times during the day.

Now I'm trying to get back into it. My goal weight to begin with was 135 lbs and I would now love to reach 130. Does anybody have any good tips for me for staying motivated, especially through the tempting holidays that are coming up? Any really good at-home exercises you've had good results with?

I also just want to verify that you should be basing your calorie count based on the NET calories on MFP, right? So if I have remaining calories after my exercise has been entered, I need to eat those? Is it okay if I have some left over at the end of the day? I eat mostly vegetables and sometimes find it hard to fill all those calories. 1200 is a piece of cake, but after that, it's harder.


  • kiwitechgirl
    kiwitechgirl Posts: 145 Member
    Generally, yes, you should eat back exercise calories. You may want to be slightly cautious though, depending on where you get the calorie burn figure from - I've found MFP tends to overestimate. A heart rate monitor is more accurate, I take mine from that, eat back and am losing without drama.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    Now I'm trying to get back into it. My goal weight to begin with was 135 lbs and I would now love to reach 130. Does anybody have any good tips for me for staying motivated, especially through the tempting holidays that are coming up? Any really good at-home exercises you've had good results with?

    I also just want to verify that you should be basing your calorie count based on the NET calories on MFP, right? So if I have remaining calories after my exercise has been entered, I need to eat those? Is it okay if I have some left over at the end of the day? I eat mostly vegetables and sometimes find it hard to fill all those calories. 1200 is a piece of cake, but after that, it's harder.

    Welcome back and good luck! It's awesome that you didn't gain all the weight back, so kudos for that.

    You are correct, if using the MFP guided goals, your want to eat your Net calorie goal (if it's 1500, you should net that much per day). The only thing to be careful of is calorie burns are sometimes over-estimated, but you can usually tell if you got your heart rate up and really put effort into the workout or not. There are usually exercise levels you can choose from, especially with walking, to help you get a fair count.

    My favorite at home work out is stepping! Step aerobics, and walk-at-home videos by Leslie Sansone, are not too hard on the knees and have a lot of movements that help you work different muscles with your cardio. There are free work out videos on youtube, which is nice.

    1200 IS a piece of cake - the cake is approximately 480 grams or 17.14 ounces! OKAY it is a BIG piece of cake! But, srsly, there's 1200 calories right there. :)

    I'm trying not to be a snob, because I diet dirty, and pooh-pooh Mr. Clean dieters, but if you really have trouble filling your calories up with nice choices, check out:

    It's full of yum and win! There are nice, calorie dense choices there with nuts and fruit (energy squares are awesome) that will help you round out those calories with fiber, healthy fat, protein, and fruity carbs. Any time you have trouble with needing more calories - Cheese, Fruit, Nuts, and Wine (even at the same time) and you'll be fine. I just unintentionally rhymed, heh :tongue: , you're welcome!

  • justpeachy99
    Hi, I am in the same boat. I fell off the wagon so to say a few months ago and I am working on getting back on it. Feel free to add me.
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Set small goals continually so are experiencing success continually this always motivates me to continue. Vary your activity, if you do the same routine all the time you will get bored. I have a library of DVDs and make sure to incorporate toning and sculpting ones at least 3 times a week with my cardio. Get a heart rate monitor it is well worth the money and is more accurate than Mfp. Mfp has a very generalized estimation and can be way over what you actually burned. The days you r thinking about skipping a workout don't give in. I feel the best after a workout on those days. You will never regret fitting it in to your day!!! Also read as much as you can related to your goals. I go regularly on the forums here and check out the success stories, it really helps to keep me motivated. Blogging also helps to help you stay accountable. Just make healthy choices every day and they will add up. If you have a set back don't use it as an excuse to take a nose dive into bad habits just pick yourself up dust yourself off and keep trying.
  • Tereless
    Tereless Posts: 18 Member
    Here with you! I fell off the habit of writing down foods and exercise and stopped the weight loss and have stayed the same for about 4 months after losing 30 lbs.
    I would love to encourage you! Let's keep in touch and spur one another on!
    I look forward to the results I will get by being online and consistently working the program. And support my MFP friends offer.
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