Is it possible to gain 2 lbs of muscle a month instead of 1?



  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yes, whatever you want to call it, we all have that friend who plows through 5000+ calories a day every day and is skinny, lanky and doesn't do any exercise. That's what I mean by ectomorph, whatever you want to call that. "hard gainer" I see called as well.

    Actually, none of us have this friend. Just because you see someone eat an entire pizza for lunch, does not mean they eat that way for 3 meals a day, every day.

    Hard gainer is pretty much a made up concept.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    Even with acceptable fat gain, it would only be possible your first few months of serious training or if relying on muscle memory (like you used to be a competitive bodybuilder)

    Even with drugs, you could not do this (cue Boromir from lotr)
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Im talking about gaining pure muscle . Not WEIGHT not FAT .. But actual lean muscle . Is it possible to do so supplement free? If so how . How much time would i have to put in the gym ?
    Yes. You'd have to be in calorie surplus and ensure you're training progressive overload with enough intensity and equal recovery time for muscle to grow. A male newbie in late teens to 20's can easily put on 2lbs of lean muscle in a month if program is followed correctly.

    EDIT: If we're speaking of the first month or two, then it's possible. To maintain that pace, probably not likely.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    ^^^ This
  • klugity
    klugity Posts: 14 Member
    No, unfortunately it is impossible to gain 2 lbs of lean muscle in a month drug free. If training, nutrition, sleep efficiency is maxed for a year you can see around 6 to 10 lbs of lean muscle gain. That's is why dedication, discipline and patience are key to making muscle gains!
  • MsBots
    MsBots Posts: 6
    You can't gain muscle without gaining some fat. It doesn't work that way. When you gain weight you can both fat and muscle. When you lose weight you lose both fat and muscle. Lifting + good nutrition means that you maximise muscle growth while gaining weight. Lifting + good nutrition means that you minimise muscle loss while losing weight. Read this article >
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Its possible with a good program, good diet, enough rest, new to training and if you are a young male.