Calories you were consuming before you started dieting?



  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I'm thinking somewhere in the vacinity of atleast 6000 well over the norm, enough to get me to 111Kg's and 40% body fat no idea now how the frig i managed to fit all that food into a 18hrs awake day lol. I was also on the verge of a heart attack or stroke at any minute.

    I was on average eating 1-2 chickens a week, a pound of meat at a sitting, plus fries, cakes, sweets, bugger all veggies and salads, Macca's and or Hungry Jacks almost every day and KFC's atleast once a week. plus Ice Coffee, cordial and soft drink hooked upto my veins and only walking the dog as exercise for around 14yrs that was also in addition to struggling with depression and ensomnia and in 9 months following my 40th birthday i have lost all that weight + more (according to the scales) and have dropped 15cm's off my hips and about 10 off my waist and gut , Blood Pressure went from critical to perfectly normal and have gone on and off Blood PRessure medicine within 6 months but IMO still alot to go yet, not weight as much as obvious fat
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    No idea. My protein was lower but my carbs were higher. I can only guess around 3500. Not that much but enough to get that middle age sideways creep.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    At 560 lbs. I was eating north of 10,000 calories a day...
  • txteva
    txteva Posts: 29 Member
    I was doing about 2200-2600 cals a day I think with exercising twice a week.

    I was getting very frustrated that I had lost no weight in the 9+months I’d been exercising even though my food levels were the same. Although my fitness has definitely improved a lot in those 9 months.

    MFP recommends I do 1890 cals per day but I'm actually doing about 1250-1400 cals a day and I’ve lost 3.9kg/8.5lbs in 2 weeks.
  • Kirstyw871
    Kirstyw871 Posts: 216 Member
    I actually dread to think what I used to consume before I started using MFP.
  • I would say 3000, 2/3 of that went straight to my hip :/
  • Boofuls
    Boofuls Posts: 47 Member
    Around 2000 - that would be maintenance for me at sedentary and 215 lbs (my highest weight).

    So not disgusting amounts of food and actually I've always eaten quite well in that I cook things from scratch and I love vegetables.

    It was actually really helpful to work this out, I always used to feel like being so fat was very unfair and mysterious. In reality I was just a lazy short-*kitten*!
  • 0151kaz00
    0151kaz00 Posts: 3 Member
    Mine was at least 3000 a day, going up to 5000 twice a week, because of alcohol (and pizza afterwards).

    I find that I am enjoying what I drink more, now because it is a treat. I am a bit worried about Christmas, though, my friends are big drinkers.