Hi everyone

*waves* I am new to this place. I have tried severeal different "diets" and had a not so great experience with Weight Watchers, and have gained quite a bit of weight back that I somehow managed to lose. I have no expectations at this point, I just want to make changes. I weigh over 300 pounds, and I do want to lose weight. Only because I want to live alot longer and because there is someone i want to live alot longer with. i want to be able to take walks, and climb hills, and do activities easier than I can now. I am a 4 insulin shot day diabetic, on 2000mg of metformin, and I have bursitis in my foot. So my health isn't 100%, and I know if I can make good healthy changes in my life, that this could possibly be reduced.

When I turned 40 recently, I made myself a promise i would take better care of me. I realize my food addiction has caused alot of negative consequences, not just health wise, but emotionally as well. I emotionally eat, I have no real support network, so I hibernate in my house, and eating is somewhat of a hidden addiction, but of course to look at me, you can tell that something isn't right. My portions are too big, and I eat way too much fast food.

I started to take alot of vitamins recently, last year I quit smoking, and I am back in college working on a Human Service degree in alcohol/drug counseling. I know this one last stronghold of addiction on my life will be a tough one. So here I am, honest and opening myself to making more changes that will lead to hopefully a healthier, longer life and another large hilll to climb and conquer.

Happy Sunday.



  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Welcome to the best site to learn healthy eating habits. I don't think of my weight loss as a diet, I think of it as eating healthy and getting active. I count calories and try to take in 500 less calories then I use during the day. So if I need to eat 2100 to maintain my weight, I eat 500 calories less. If I burn 500 calories exercises which gives me another 500 on top of my 1500 I can eat I eat half those calories back. Just be honest about writing every bite down and increase your activity. You can do it. There are some very successful big losers on this site.
  • cedes123
    cedes123 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello I totally understand how you feel with having a food addiction. Welcome to the site it helps. Hopefully it will help you too its a whole weightloss family!! Good Luck!!
  • coopgo
    coopgo Posts: 5 Member
    :smile: I know where you, One day at a time making healthier choices will get you where you want to go.
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP. This site is a wonderful network of support with people just like yourself. The tools have been very valuable to me as well. Definitely start logging everything in your food diary. It was an eye-opener for me. I would also say to start any exercise slowly, and work your way up. Ask your doctor what would be good for you. When I started in June, I walked 1 mile at a fairly normal pace, and worked on the elliptical a grand total of 4 minutes before I thought I would die. Now I do two 4 minute miles and up to 40 minutes on the elliptical. I basically added a minute every couple of days until my body started getting used to it. Many use the blog to write about their feelings...it's a great substitute for emotional eating. Realize you aren't alone, and it's a lifetime decision to be healthy. Feel free to friend me.