Personal Trainer, Goals and heavy lifting



  • LJSmith1989
    I decided that I wanted to do some kind of lifting routine (SL 5X5/barbell) to gain strength and lose body fat. I stuggled initially with form but muddled through for a while. I then decided to get a personal trainier who can help with my technique. One of the guys at my gym put me in contact with one of the female PT's who is a machine. She competes in lifting competions has the body that I want. She is also a crossfit coach. I have no doubt that she knows her stuff and I am happy to keep training with her for the forseeable future.

    My only issue is... our first meeting she asked me what my goals were and I said to gain strength, learn to lift properly, to lose weight, change my diet etc etc. To begin with she showed me technique on squats, deadlifts, benchpress, shoulder press and the clean after a while, once I had my technique down she came up with some HIIT routines for me to do.. These are based around cardio. When I questioned why I was doing this when I wanted to do something like SL 5X5 she said I wasnt ready to do that yet and that it was easier to lose the 10llb and then start on gaining strength and that you cant do both. At the moment for example I squat with just the barbell and do loads of reps.

    I hate cardio. With a passion. I can't seem to stick to what she suggest I do outside of my PT sessions because its not what I want to focus on.

    The way I see it is losing the weight is going to be a by product of sorting my diet out and lifting heavy.

    I dont like focusing on the scales because it drives me crazy. I want to set goals such as "perfect my technique on the power clean" and add "20llb to my deadlift after 6 sessions" not "Drop 5llb by christmas"

    I am paying a lot of money to see her, £30 per hour and I value the advise so far but now I need to change the goal. Its no longer working for me.

    Does this make sense? or perhaps I should trust what she says and do it her way?

    "She is also a crossfit coach."

    There is your answer right there.

    Lol if you say so