The weight if fruit

Hi, I've just randomly thought today whilst eating a nectarine do you count the calories from the weight of a whole nectarine or the weight of a destoned nectarine. For example a nectarine on my fitness pal (medium 142 grams) is 62 calories. When I weighed my nectarine it was about 165 grams, but after I removed the stone it was around 140ish... So which do I log? Another example, eating an orange, do you count the weight of the flesh or the whole thing?! I may have just over complicated something simple haha

*the weight OF food


  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    I would assume it will be the weight of the nectarine before you de-stone it.
    However, its unlikely to be of much consequence whether you count the weight of the stone, or the orange rind or not.
    Enjoy your fruit!
