What is Your Motivation? Why do you want Change?



  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    I like being comfortable, and being overweight and unhealthy is just not comfortable.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I started to change because I didn't recognize who I was in the mirror anymore. I didn't know where the fun, confident, sexy me was, and I needed to find myself again. I keep going because I'm forging my body into exactly what I want it to be. Plus I just love beasting it up in the gym!
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    To be happy in my own skin. To gain the confidence I once rocked in my 20's. I also have some health issues that need to go away in order to live life to fullest. I have a set of twins at home that I want to run and play with and go on adventures. I dont want to go shopping with my friends and not be able to buy anything, while they find the cutest outfits.

    Now, I workout with a trainer once a week and follow her plan the other days. I love being able to to push ups to planks, becuase a few months ago I couldn't even do a 1 push up or hold a plank. The more I go the the gym and see progress, the more I want to go. I also started Yoga, I cannot do many of the moves due to flexibility, however, if I keep it up, I will be able to!

    If I dont make it to the gym one day, I make sure I go another. Eating a piece of cake is ok, I see progress when I dont go back and eat the rest of the cake.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    I put pristine care into caring for my family and their well being while I neglected the pioneer-matriach who keeps it running smoothe (ME). I really despised what I ALLOWED MYSELF TO BECOME and said I will NEVER EVER weigh 337lbs again. all medications I was on were weight related and I had the power to change it. I finally said enough.

    I am at place now where I am loving myself again. It feels good to be 128 pounds less. It feels great to get those high fives at the gym after boxing or bootcamp. My energy is beyond compare and the 5 pills that I was on are down to 1 and that pill is 5mg. How's that for change? Being lazy is NOT an option. When I look at my old photos it is a clear reminder of what my life will be like if I become lazy.

    To answer your question, my motivation is ME.....
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    Because diabetes blows.
  • to be able to take a picture of myself without trying to hide my body
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    I want to live to be 120!

    I think the first half of life is for career and family, and the second half or so should be for giving back and exploring new interests and ideas. I want to be healthy enough to do those things.
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    I'm sick of chronic pain and tired of feeling heavy, my motivation now is to imagine myself lighter, healthier and just happier overall, making the most out of my days instead of being trapped in bed with pain.
  • MizSookeh
    MizSookeh Posts: 106 Member
    There needs to be at least three fewer X's next to the L on my clothes tags!

    I want the outside me to look like the inside me. I want to be able to express my own style, not the style of the plus-size clothes producers.

    AND I want that style to shine and look awesome in photos. :) There's hardly any photographic evidence that I've even existed for the last 10 years!
  • jamezln
    jamezln Posts: 182 Member
    I'm just sick and tired of feeling miserable. I find myself going out and blowing money on things thinking they are going to make me happy when I know that the only thing that will make me happy is to be able to lay on the couch with my wife again without her falling off. Sounds funny I know, but really it's the simple things like that. Being able to look at myself in the mirror again and smile. Being able to lay down with my kids when they wake at night and not worry about falling asleep without my C-Pap machine. Getting off of BP medicine. Getting off anxiety meds. Anxiety meds because i'm worried i'm going to have a heart attack, or something crazy. I worry about worrying. Losing the 100lbs i've gained since I got married. It's all crazy and i'm always looking for friends for some motivation so feel free to add me.
  • I wanted to change coz i have been like this big since ages!
    I wanted a change...basically to be with my kids...see them grow up and have families of their own in the future.

    I am starting to do this again and I hope I can continue it and lose EXTRA EXTRA weight!!

    Motivation?...as long as I will not be dealing with stress and temptation...i guess my motivation is ME..
  • I've always been a big girl. I just decided one day to change. I want cheaper clothes.. live longer for my kids.. not be treated badly bc I'm fat..
  • my self-esteem is low and i feel unattractive and undesirable
  • TwistDSG
    TwistDSG Posts: 10 Member
    I needed more self-confidence. I looked terrible all my life until now and of course I would get made fun of because I didn't look like the rest. I don't blame them though, haha. I look back all the time and ask myself how I let myself go. Of course their comments still hurt but the past is the past, right? Now I just do it for me because its my gain and no one elses.
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    I started to take control of what I ate because I have severe back pain (arthritis) and was basically in bed 80% of the time. I had to push past the daily constant pain to get up and get walking. I could only do 10 minuets at a time with great pain.
    I also was sick of waiting for life to "get better". How was it going to get better if I couldn't even get out of bed??!?!??!
    I now do it because I like being able to walk 1 minute father each day!
    I keep doing it because I don't have to take as many pain pills everyday for severe pain!
    I keep doing it because I like how I feel when I put on my clotthes and they are loose on me!
    I keep doing it because I'm getting less afraid of chairs! (what can I say.. I got a big can:laugh: )
    I keep doing it because I like not obsessing over food! I feel NORMAL!
    I keep dong it because by next summer I might ..no, WILL be able to go to the beach and not feel like any minute someone will say they just saw a beached whale!
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    Because I don't love myself. I grew up a horrible childhood filled with neglect and abandonment. Living in extreme poverty with only my mentally ill mom to take care of me. Then unsurprisingly, I went into my teens and 20's full of ridiculous emotional issues. Anxiety and depression held me back from living the life I could've had. I was always such a dreamer...I always had this fantasy of what my life could be like but I was never strong enough to go out and live it. I was a victim of circumstance and stuck being afraid. Being sad. It's just...not living.

    Now I'm 29 and working my *kitten* off to lose this damn weight and make my 30's count. I may have let my 20's pass by and totally wasted them, but I won't continue living like this dammit! My 30's are going to be what my 20's should've been. Losing all this weight is the first big step in really living my life and feeling confident and pride and loving myself. And I'm so freaking excited for it!
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I don't exercise, so I only have to engage my willpower for the dieting portion of the equation. Trying to diet AND exercise is just too much, and I don't have that kind of willpower, so I'm using all the willpower for the diet. I'm doing it because I like the way I look when I'm a size 6, and I want to look like that again. :D
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    When I squeeze that bit of fat on my hips..................

    When I look in the mirror and feel a bit bloated.......................

    Going to the gym and doing a good sweaty workout always makes me feel good, Eating healthy makes you feel good, When I eat rubbish I feel like rubbish.......Lol!!!
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I'm done having kids. My body is my own again. It's much easier to stay motivated when I know that all of my hard work is not about to be undone by another pregnancy. :)
    Im similar, Iv got my 2 young boys so im done with changing my body through pregnancy. So now I can get that dream body Iv wanted for the past few years. Im the weight I was 5 yrs ago so Im amazed, just need to lose this last 1st or so then im done with weight loss mode.
  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member
    For me the motivation is knowing that I can and want to push myself!

    Excercise is part of my life and Im really enjoying it! :happy: