Anyone else have Sidewalk Rage...



  • DaveGrows
    DaveGrows Posts: 31 Member
    I have sidewalk rage when people won't move lol
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I am so tired of people on bikes on the sidewalk, especially when there is a bike lane! Legally I cannot run in the bike lane. If you are on a bike and there is an available bike lane, please use it.

    I have too many tales about people on bikes on the sidewalks...

    Also, if you are walking three (or more) abroad and you see me running towards you, on the very edge of the right side of the side walk, please please please go single file on the right hand side. Or if you hear me coming up behind you (because I shuffle feet, clear throat etc) and you turn and look at me, please move to single file. Don't just stay where you are and get all mad when I keep coming.

    Oh and put your garbage cans and basketball hoops away and pull your big trucks up to the garage. When I can see at least two feet of space near your garage but your truck covers the side walk I feel the urge to smack it. Granted, some trucks are huge and take up the ENTIRE driveway and sidewalk but usually there is space. I've even seen cars do this. Or clean out your garage and use it. We can fit both our cars in the garage, unlike 95% of our neighborhood.

    Ok, I think I am done now. :laugh:

    Are you sure there is nothing else?
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I hate people.
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    I have crazy sidewalk rage! Even when I'm just walking, I cannot sand when people take up the WHOLE SIDEWALk when they stand together.

    How are people suppose to walk? in a straight line?
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes.

    I got this more from when I would bike on the bike path that is also used as a walking/running path (I'm talking about the bike paths in Ottawa - no side-walk equivalent to walking in such beautiful areas). It's like this: I ring my bell, and the expected response is to move to the right, but the response more often that not was to just look at me and move over 0.00000001 inches. Thanks.

    One problem I have, sort of, is runners/walkers with headphones in, and music blaring so loud that I can hear it when I pass by. I never listen to music when walking around so I CAN hear when someone is coming up behind me and respectfully move out of the way.
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    I do, during 5ks.
    Last one.... San Jose Rave Run. At night. Poorly light. On dirt track. With not only loose dirt, but rocks & boulders.
    Get this: strollers were allowed (bad idea) & the DJ actually announced before the race " Walkers stay to the left" in error. (very very bad idea).
    The standard is walkers/slow people to the Right, not left !!
    Some walkers followed the standard, ie slow on the right. Some walkers stayed on the left.
    Some walkers were clueless, and even STOPPED in the middle, with stroller, to attend to their toddler. WTH !!!.

    what a combo nightmare. dark, dirt, stollers. walkers & runners mixed together. never never again !!
  • kinmad4it
    kinmad4it Posts: 185 Member
    The amount of times you get ignorant numpties who are walking two abreast, taking up the entire pavement and they see you coming towards them and instead of momentarily moving to walk in single file so another fellow human being can also use the pavement and doesn't have to walk into the road and oncoming traffic but instead just carry on as if they're the only people that matter and then get disgruntled when you ask them to move is astonishing.

    People who walk slowly infront of me and I can't get past them. MOOVVEEE!!!!!! How can anyone walk so slowly and accomplish anything in life if that's their pace of doing things. Do you need help breathing?

    People who stop without any warning what so ever while aimlessly bumbling around town, right infront of you. These brain donors should be fitted with brake lights.

    Daydreaming morons who don't even look where they're going because they're too focused on their bloody mobile phone. I see these idiots everyday just amble infront of traffic because they're not paying attention and staring at their phone screen. I like to play a little game of dodge the moron with them. I stop and turn around see if they manage to avoid me or walk right into me. Even better, I might stood down and pretend to tie my shoe laces. That way they'd not only bump into me, but also fall right over me and smash their phone in the process. Serves them right!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I am so tired of people on bikes on the sidewalk, especially when there is a bike lane! Legally I cannot run in the bike lane. If you are on a bike and there is an available bike lane, please use it.

    I have too many tales about people on bikes on the sidewalks...

    Also, if you are walking three (or more) abroad and you see me running towards you, on the very edge of the right side of the side walk, please please please go single file on the right hand side. Or if you hear me coming up behind you (because I shuffle feet, clear throat etc) and you turn and look at me, please move to single file. Don't just stay where you are and get all mad when I keep coming.

    Oh and put your garbage cans and basketball hoops away and pull your big trucks up to the garage. When I can see at least two feet of space near your garage but your truck covers the side walk I feel the urge to smack it. Granted, some trucks are huge and take up the ENTIRE driveway and sidewalk but usually there is space. I've even seen cars do this. Or clean out your garage and use it. We can fit both our cars in the garage, unlike 95% of our neighborhood.

    Ok, I think I am done now. :laugh:

    And people who let the bushes or decorative grass grow into the side walk.

    I have a neighbor who doesn't trim their shrubs. I have definitely made some night trips to cut it back, not just for me, but so the kids can walk thru and not step off the sidewalk before and after school (issue in Pittsburgh when its snowing or muddy in winter).

    Our HOA has gotten on the overgrown shubbery, of property owners. I want to know when I get to send the HOA a 10 day warning to trim the common areas.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I am so tired of people on bikes on the sidewalk, especially when there is a bike lane! Legally I cannot run in the bike lane. If you are on a bike and there is an available bike lane, please use it.

    I have too many tales about people on bikes on the sidewalks...

    Also, if you are walking three (or more) abroad and you see me running towards you, on the very edge of the right side of the side walk, please please please go single file on the right hand side. Or if you hear me coming up behind you (because I shuffle feet, clear throat etc) and you turn and look at me, please move to single file. Don't just stay where you are and get all mad when I keep coming.

    Oh and put your garbage cans and basketball hoops away and pull your big trucks up to the garage. When I can see at least two feet of space near your garage but your truck covers the side walk I feel the urge to smack it. Granted, some trucks are huge and take up the ENTIRE driveway and sidewalk but usually there is space. I've even seen cars do this. Or clean out your garage and use it. We can fit both our cars in the garage, unlike 95% of our neighborhood.

    Ok, I think I am done now. :laugh:

    Are you sure there is nothing else?

    Hmmm... there probably is. I can post again after my run tomorrow and let you know. :wink:
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    I am so tired of people on bikes on the sidewalk, especially when there is a bike lane! Legally I cannot run in the bike lane. If you are on a bike and there is an available bike lane, please use it.

    I have too many tales about people on bikes on the sidewalks...

    Also, if you are walking three (or more) abroad and you see me running towards you, on the very edge of the right side of the side walk, please please please go single file on the right hand side. Or if you hear me coming up behind you (because I shuffle feet, clear throat etc) and you turn and look at me, please move to single file. Don't just stay where you are and get all mad when I keep coming.

    Oh and put your garbage cans and basketball hoops away and pull your big trucks up to the garage. When I can see at least two feet of space near your garage but your truck covers the side walk I feel the urge to smack it. Granted, some trucks are huge and take up the ENTIRE driveway and sidewalk but usually there is space. I've even seen cars do this. Or clean out your garage and use it. We can fit both our cars in the garage, unlike 95% of our neighborhood.

    Ok, I think I am done now. :laugh:

    I'd be careful smacking trucks that you find inconveniently in your way. Just keep fighting the urge. Haha. You know how men are about their trucks. :wink: I just walk or run around them.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Catcalls don't bother me. The only thing that gets me angry is when people are having a cigarette outside and I have to run through a cloud of smoke. Or there's been a few times that someone has on SO MUCH perfume or cologne that their vapors choke me. There's been times when I haven't even SEEN the person, but there's so much residual fragrance in the air that my throat closes up.

    Oh, and loose dogs. There are leash laws in the area for a reason. I don't care if you say, "Don't worry, he won't bite," because I heard that right before I've been bit before.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I get bugged on my trail runs when 2-3 walkers are walking side by side, chatting up a storm and dont make any effort to make room in the narrower portions of the trail. There is no way to get by without running into overgrowth or thorns.BTW, in the more open parts, I dont mind leaving the trail and running around them.

    OMG this!!! and I don't move for kids or adults, they can damn well squeeze to single file on a sidewalk... Only time I move, is mom's with strollers or little little ones walking/riding and elderly.. everyone else, you give a little, you get a little.

    So if they don't move the you run into them? I'd really like to see that, it would make my day. On the trails where I run everyone walkers & runners are pretty good about giving way to anyone going faster then they are. Every once in a while I'll have to call out "behind" if others seem to be unaware that I'm coming up on them or I have spoken loudly "excuse me", sometimes you just have to be assertive. I've never actually run over someone though, that would be rude!
  • punkinkat
    punkinkat Posts: 85 Member
    This one has nothing to do with workout interference, but I just find it generally annoying when parents cart those massive strollers around on city sidewalks. Is it just me, or did strollers effectively quadruple in size over the past 20 years or so? Most of these bloody things take up the entire sidewalk!

    It's even more awesome when parents drag these hulking *kitten* strollers onto public transportation, and take up the entire front section of the bus which is supposed to be reserved for people with accessibility issues. I've seen folks with a host of disabilities get asked to move out of the "easy access" seats in order to accommodate people with these ridiculously large strollers, and that kind of junk just burns me up to no end...
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    I just have rage in general

    Yes, so much of this!!
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    This one has nothing to do with workout interference, but I just find it generally annoying when parents cart those massive strollers around on city sidewalks. Is it just me, or did strollers effectively quadruple in size over the past 20 years or so? Most of these bloody things take up the entire sidewalk!

    Oh hell yes!!!! They're the size of a 4x4 now...
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    I don't mind the whistles...but it definitely irritates me when I'm trying to run, and I give a heads up when I'm coming up on someone's left or right and they just refuse to move. Especially when it's 2 or 3 people trying to walk side by side.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    no one whistles at me......

    ok maybe once, but i'm not sure lol.

    Otherwise i don't have much of a problem, no one is usually outside when i run.
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    I agree with all of the above! .....

    But here's mine...

    I HATE! when I am out exercising my dog and have baby in the stroller, I'm trying to keep up a focused fast paced walk because you see i have a husk- huskies have energy, they need energy outlets, walking is how I give her an outlet. Anyway, I HATE when all of the children in our neighborhood stop us and ask to pet her and then wanna chase/race us down as far up the street as they can or other people wanna stop you to chit chat.... its aggravating!
    I was a kid once I get it but come on! if its obvious someone is exercising leave them alone obviously on a mission! go away! besides dont parent teach their kids not to go near strangers or strange dogs? biting kidnapping poison candy all that fun stuff


    and yes- just rage in general- Ive got it
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'd be careful smacking trucks that you find inconveniently in your way. Just keep fighting the urge. Haha. You know how men are about their trucks. :wink: I just walk or run around them.

    Yup. I laid a dude out once because he punched my jeep and threatened to take a bat to it.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I'd be careful smacking trucks that you find inconveniently in your way. Just keep fighting the urge. Haha. You know how men are about their trucks. :wink: I just walk or run around them.

    Yup. I laid a dude out once because he punched my jeep and threatened to take a bat to it.

    I'd never actually do anything. I am obsessive about my car(s), hence why I keep them in the garage. I just think in my head how I'd like to smack them (and then I think about how much it would hurt my hand hah!)