Anyone heard the term 'seagan'?



  • recovery114
    the only reason i put a label on my vegetarianism is that it's easier for *other* people to grasp. i'm not a strict veggie unless i'm eating with other people or dining out. i find they need the labels much more than i do. :)
    Also why I was wondering if people had heard of it.
    I don't NEED a label like people are saying but it is easier to say I'm this rather than I don't eat this this that or this :) and I get shouted at by vegans on other sites when I said vegan but eat shrimps. I thought the term seagan (which I found online) would cause less offence.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    I know you don't have to eat meat to be healthy and I know vegan diets can work. What I. Saying is I'm young, growing and trying to get strong and what I was doing DIDN'T work and so I have gone back to when I was healthy (when I was veggie, and had been since I was 12) so that I can improve my health and research more into the vegan diet.
    Also the restrictive nature of the diet exacerbated my ED and I thought it would be better if I were to beat that then be vegan rather than spend the rest of my life with an ED and completely miserable.

    A lot of people in recovery from ED go towards veganism, and unfortunately use it as another way to restrict. If that is why you're doing it, then you need to make sure to get more help and realize that veganism isn't for you and it seems like you have, so great job. but veganism in itself does not cause poor health.

    I hope you get the help you need and continue on a healthy path. <3
  • recovery114
    Just like to make it clear when I do this diet I am not claiming to be vegan.
    Just like a pescatarian isn't a vegetarian.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    the only reason i put a label on my vegetarianism is that it's easier for *other* people to grasp. i'm not a strict veggie unless i'm eating with other people or dining out. i find they need the labels much more than i do. :)
    Also why I was wondering if people had heard of it.
    I don't NEED a label like people are saying but it is easier to say I'm this rather than I don't eat this this that or this :) and I get shouted at by vegans on other sites when I said vegan but eat shrimps. I thought the term seagan (which I found online) would cause less offence.

    you would get yelled at by vegans, because you're using the term incorrectly. It's really frustrating to be vegan and have people ask, "but you eat fish right?" If a lot of people use the term incorrectly then it screws everyone else up if that makes sense. Then eventually you'll have a waiter serve a vegan fish because they knew one vegan that ate it!

    If you really want a label to call yourself, the most accepted term and the one that most people would understand and know is pescatarian.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    sea biscuit.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I know you don't have to eat meat to be healthy and I know vegan diets can work. What I. Saying is I'm young, growing and trying to get strong and what I was doing DIDN'T work and so I have gone back to when I was healthy (when I was veggie, and had been since I was 12) so that I can improve my health and research more into the vegan diet.
    Also the restrictive nature of the diet exacerbated my ED and I thought it would be better if I were to beat that then be vegan rather than spend the rest of my life with an ED and completely miserable.

    A lot of people in recovery from ED go towards veganism, and unfortunately use it as another way to restrict. If that is why you're doing it, then you need to make sure to get more help and realize that veganism isn't for you and it seems like you have, so great job. but veganism in itself does not cause poor health.

    I hope you get the help you need and continue on a healthy path. <3

    I can't possibly be the only one who read that as " a lot of people in rovery from Erectile Dysfunction) go towards veganism"

    definitellly took me a second LMAO. MOAR COFFEE
  • Patzycakes
    Patzycakes Posts: 175 Member
    Does it involve billions and billions and billions and billions of shrimp?

    Get it seagan sagan...huh huh?

    You're my new favorite person.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    I know you don't have to eat meat to be healthy and I know vegan diets can work. What I. Saying is I'm young, growing and trying to get strong and what I was doing DIDN'T work and so I have gone back to when I was healthy (when I was veggie, and had been since I was 12) so that I can improve my health and research more into the vegan diet.
    Also the restrictive nature of the diet exacerbated my ED and I thought it would be better if I were to beat that then be vegan rather than spend the rest of my life with an ED and completely miserable.

    A lot of people in recovery from ED go towards veganism, and unfortunately use it as another way to restrict. If that is why you're doing it, then you need to make sure to get more help and realize that veganism isn't for you and it seems like you have, so great job. but veganism in itself does not cause poor health.

    I hope you get the help you need and continue on a healthy path. <3

    I can't possibly be the only one who read that as " a lot of people in rovery from Erectile Dysfunction) go towards veganism"

    definitellly took me a second LMAO. MOAR COFFEE

    What's worse is i'm in a lot of breastfeeding groups and breast milk is referred to as BM..."My baby has a mouthful of BM." o_O It took me a while to get used to that.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    stupid machine.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    What's worse is i'm in a lot of breastfeeding groups and breast milk is referred to as BM..."My baby has a mouthful of BM." o_O It took me a while to get used to that.

    horse forum- barn owner = BO


    shake my head LMAO
  • NekaMaye88
    NekaMaye88 Posts: 162 Member
    Hmmmm...never heard of "seagan" but Pescatarian is popularly used when consuming online seafood, dairy products, and eggs. I was a pescatarian for a year and a half before becoming vegan. Best of luck to you in your journey in finding the diet that works best for you! I know it can be a difficult process, but I surely hope you come back to the vegan team! :)
  • NekaMaye88
    NekaMaye88 Posts: 162 Member
    Hmmmm...never heard of "seagan" but Pescatarian is popularly used when consuming online seafood, dairy products, and eggs. I was a pescatarian for a year and a half before becoming vegan. Best of luck to you in your journey in finding the diet that works best for you! I know it can be a difficult process, but I surely hope you come back to the vegan team! :)

    Whoops! *only
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    If it exists, you can use it. Just realise that a lot of people don't know what that is and will ask you to explain the difference between that and a pescatarian, which is more commonly known.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    That's Pescetarianism, isn't it?

    Edit: I should google before I post.


    but add eggsand dairy. then you have a pescatarian.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    I know you don't have to eat meat to be healthy and I know vegan diets can work. What I. Saying is I'm young, growing and trying to get strong and what I was doing DIDN'T work and so I have gone back to when I was healthy (when I was veggie, and had been since I was 12) so that I can improve my health and research more into the vegan diet.
    Also the restrictive nature of the diet exacerbated my ED and I thought it would be better if I were to beat that then be vegan rather than spend the rest of my life with an ED and completely miserable.

    oh dear lord. just eat what you want to eat.
  • lastfingtime
    yeah- its called pescetarianism though!

    vegan= no animals and no animal by- products
    vegetarian= no animals themselves, but DOES eat animal by-products
    pescetarian= eats animals from the sea and animal by-products

    I use to be a vegan, then I was a vegetarian for about two years, and I am currently transitioning to pescetarianism. Dont let anyone tell you what you can and cant eat because of some label though. Eat whatever you want and dont give two ****s about people who are overly concerned with labeling you. They can mind their own business.
  • jakqi
    jakqi Posts: 1
    I am a seagan. This does not mean a vegetarian that eats fish, that is a pescetarian. A seagan is similar to a vegan but not the same. A seagan is someone who is basically vegan from the ground up but eats seafood. Becically I eat fish but no honey, meat or dairy products.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    I am a seagan. This does not mean a vegetarian that eats fish, that is a pescetarian. A seagan is similar to a vegan but not the same. A seagan is someone who is basically vegan from the ground up but eats seafood. Becically I eat fish but no honey, meat or dairy products.

    The theory behind this is that shrimp/bivalves are more sustainable to consume, correct? Like they're kind of dumb and easy to harvest and more sustainable then factory farming livestock?
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
  • tonyrocks922
    tonyrocks922 Posts: 172 Member
    I am a seagan. This does not mean a vegetarian that eats fish, that is a pescetarian. A seagan is similar to a vegan but not the same. A seagan is someone who is basically vegan from the ground up but eats seafood. Becically I eat fish but no honey, meat or dairy products.

    The theory behind this is that shrimp/bivalves are more sustainable to consume, correct? Like they're kind of dumb and easy to harvest and more sustainable then factory farming livestock?

    Not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with it, but to add to the conversation, I've also heard the argument that crustaceans and bivalves have basically no capacity for feeling pain; they essentially have the same brain-power of an eggplant.