How do you resist "TEMPTATIONS"



  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I don't keep it the house, and if I am at work, I keep healthy snacks on hand like apples and bananas on hand.

    It's as much about adding healthy things to your diet, as it is cutting out the junk. If you don't replace items that you have cut out with healthier items in their place, you are going to have a tougher time.

    As long as I have something healthy to munch on, I don't feel deprived. A crispy apple is equally as satisfying as that calorie bomb donut in the kitchen.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    I am diabetic also but if it fits in your macros, and also for me I keep track of my carbs, I can eat carbs but only if they are balanced.
    Try eating the same gram carbs at breakfast, lunch and dinner, say 15 grams per meal, maybe 10 grams for your snacks, then work that for a week, daily try to keep each meal of the day the same grams of crabs so there will be no major spikes, over time trying this you will find your carb threshold, Mine is lower than above, I range between 30-50 grams total for a day to split evenly between all meals and snacks. I guess there are days you will want a treat say like an oreo or something and I avoid those but if anyone can attest it is hard to resist something if it is your favorite treat, so eat it and go workout more or plan for it in advance to fit it into your day as hopefully it would be just one day. Same for holidays. Good luck.

    I do balance out my carbs (my diary is open) and I am sorry, if I eat an oreo (just one) my sugar's spike... so as I said, I just ask myself that one question... is it worth losing a toe or two, or even having a stroke or heart attack. I keep my carbs close to 100 (not net) carbs a day. I also eat 6 times a day, 3 main meals and 3 snacks, but my snacks are healthy snacks. I have done this for so long, that I really don't crave the really sweet foods. never really have. I crave the junk food snacks. The salty, carb filled bag of goodness like Chips, frito's, Dorito's etc. For me, it isn't worth the health risks to eat them.
  • thatbelinda
    thatbelinda Posts: 94 Member
    I tend to just to fit into my calories for that day - so i tell myself if I eat that cupcake I can't really eat a very big dinner, so that usually helps to just stick to eating one little cupcake, or one brownie. (then again, i'm not diabetic, so eating that cupcake or brownie won't make me sick)

    Or I pick a healthier version of something sweet. like I'll get some tea with sugar, or coffee (not all that healthy but it's better than a cupcake.. ) , or eat a kind bar (it has chocolate, but it also has some fibers and nuts and good stuff.. ) - so I still get sweetness and sugar in my day.

    I mainly just go by the 'everything in moderation' policy.

    Pretty much this ^
  • EyesfromParadise
    EyesfromParadise Posts: 2 Member
    Temptations are always emotional, whether they seem like it or not. I could go in depth about emotional triggers, but right now I'll bring up some other things you could do that REALLY take your mind off of tempting foods.

    - join a dating site, or look through possible matches if you have one (if you're single) you will soon forget about your craving as your adrenaline welcomes possible romance
    - jump in a bubbly bath tub. a tempting food will seem more important at the time, but once you feel the bubbly warm bath, nothing else in the world will matter
    - pluck your eyebrows (or other hairs if you need to), it takes concentration and you look better after a beauty treatment than you do a snack!
    - put on a face mask that hardens; simple, it's too hard to open your mouth when you have a face mask on, and you get lovely skin afterwards
    - take a nap; if you have the time, sleep helps your cells rejuvenate, and hunger tends to cease after a period of sleep
    - meditate--- this one takes mega willpower; if you can meditate your way out of a craving, then you are superwoman indeed!
  • supermuslimgirl
    supermuslimgirl Posts: 96 Member
    It was like quiting smokeing for me will power and it gets easier and easier. There are chips, cookies, ice cream, and tim hortons donuts, in the next room and I'm ok with husband has his own way of eating
    I was an emotional eater but I'm Learning to deal I find diet is not only about food but about the mind. Hopefully I can get a handle on both:blushing:
  • I resist temptations by staying away from them. Got rid of temptations from the house (no chips, cookies, ice cream, cake, pie or candy here). Don't go down the snack aisle at the grocery store. Stay away from desert tables at parties, social gatherings, or business meetings. If I crave something sweet I eat fruit or make a smoothie. If I want salty I make my own popcorn with a bit of olive oil and kosher salt. I had to be 100% committed to my lifestyle change.
  • I eat it.
    I just don't eat all of it, and I log it.

    Is it that hard?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I eat it.
    I just don't eat all of it, and I log it.

    Is it that hard?

    sometimes it is yes, but this is what i am trying to work on this week. i need to learn to just have one or two and not the whole packet. i dont eat until i feel sick so thats not my issue, but i am delaying reaching my goals by having the extra treats that i shouldnt.
  • Hmm, if you resist, it'll just make your craving worst later, which means you're more likely to binge. As long as it's not late night snacking, you're going to still be moving around after you've eaten, and you just help yourself to a little, it should be fine :)
  • d6melanie
    d6melanie Posts: 84 Member
    Typically if I consider something to be an unnecessary temptation as opposed to a calorie choice I'm making intentionally it's because it's either a.) not that delicious (ex: cheetos), b.) I've already had some (ex: mashed potatoes), or c.) something widely available that I could have at any time (ex: fast food).

    Usually I can overcome wanting to have it if I say to myself, "This is not the last opportunity you'll have to eat a doughnut, just don't eat this one, today."

    ....Unless, the doughnut is still warm... then it probably IS delicious and it would NOT be something widely available, so unless I've already had one, I'll just count it and move on. :)
  • I don't carry any "temptation" foods in the house. When I have a craving & want to drive to McDonald's, I just grab an apple. It takes a while to eat, and it fulfills me. I also chew gum quite a lot. I've heard many say that chewing gum just makes you eat more, but for me, it's the opposite. Gum especially works for when I'm on the go.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    I have NO idea what I'm doing right when I resist temptations and NO idea what I'm doing wrong when I give in and go nuts. Proper nuts.

    I think it's a mood thing...

    I'm with you most days!
  • sweet_blasphemy
    sweet_blasphemy Posts: 129 Member

    hahaha, that's exactly the route i was gonna go... i was gonna say, well i just make sure i don't catch my mom during one of her Motown-fueled cleaning sprees (it's either that or Diana Ross and the Supremes)