Micro-Mini Goals !

_SpeshK_ Posts: 496 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hey everyone,
Sometimes, when the numbers aren't enough(because let's face it, if you're like me and you have been 200+ since the 7th grade(ugh) sometimes you lose grip of that magic number. because you've never experienced it), what kind of goals keep you motivated? It could be anything, but I just wanted to share my silly/quirky/small goals that sometimes add up to more than pants size/weight. I would love to hear what you guys daydream about also!

Don't make fun of me! Some of mine are super silly! They make me who I am :)

1. I've always wanted to go jogging outside in just a sports bra on top and shorts, or pants, haha. I mean seriously right now I'm not even comfortable with sleeveless yet, so a sports bra would be a BIG sign of confidence! First of all, when you start to get sweaty and you're jogging in a t-shirt or even a sleeveless shirt, you feel digusting and suffocated. And second, like I said if you had a body you were confident in baring nearly all, I think that would be a great point to reach :)

2. Of course the two-piece swimsuit...what woman doesn't have this goal? And I don't mean the "I could squeeze into this size large but I really shouldn't have" swimsuit HAHA. I mean, a fit, beautiful body that you're proud you worked for, getting to swim, "frolic" LOL and show yourself off in. I'm sure every woman out there is familiar with being in the store and seeing the PERFECT bathing suit, but having to settle for the mediocre "tankini" because you know you wouldn't look good and/or fit in the cute one. And for me, my legs have always been gross, so not only was it the tankini but it was the skirt bottoms, to cover up as much as possible while still being in a swimsuit! I am CONVINCED that by next summer I will be able to get into that BEAUTIFUL two-piece I fall in love with and will look fantastic in it!

3. Run a 10-minute mile without stopping. Yes this is listed on my goals on my page, because it's important to me. Right now, I am getting to the point where I'm reaching a 12-minute mile...but...that is an interval of jogging/walking. I normally walk the straights, jog the curves on a track or vice-versa. Occasionally I have enough stamina to make what I call a "candy cane" haha...which is a straight, and a curve, and then I'll walk a straight, jog another "candy cane" and so on...but thus far I can only make two laps that way. To be able to say I could run a straight 10 minute mile, without stopping for a "power walk" would really feel like an accomplishment for me!

4. To go a day without a cardigan! I know it is REALLY girly, and it is semi-related to #1 but allll my life I have hated my arms. I generally feel like they are not proportional to the rest of my body, it's as if they grew one step ahead of the rest of me, haha. When I was a twirler in high school, I had to wear sleeveless uniforms and you better believe as soon as the performance was over, a jacket went right on over it. Even with the cutest outfits, if there isn't adequate coverage of my arms, there is a sweater, cardigan, or long-sleeve undershirt involved. I was in a wedding recently, and as soon as the wedding was over, I headed to the reception in a jacket(OVER my dress, lol). I would love to wear those cute little dresses I see at Target, without a cardigan over it. I mean...refer to my profile picture, BAM! Super cute outfit, one of the cutest tops ever...ALAS I am chained to the cardigan for now. Starting weight lifting has really helped, and I can tell they're coming down, I just have to keep pushing. I mean this whole category boils down to clothes in general..I LOVE fashion. I adore clothes, and it makes me so sad to see these beautiful pieces that I know I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing unless I reached my goal(s). Back to the high school twirling line...we had these "go-go" type boots that zipped up, and some days if I hadn't had enough water, or if we were SWEATING like we always did, I would have to have someone help me zip up those suckers because of how chubby my calves were! haha. Sad, but true. And all the other girls were little twigs who had to have their boots "taken in." Hahahah. Awesome! I couldn't even fit in the dance tights they ordered, so I would have to find similiar-colored tights at Wal-Mart and wear TWO pairs to make it look like the other girls'! haha I definitely can laugh at myself, I'm not depressed about it; I have a good handle on all of it. I know 1+2=3 and that I can't keep dreaming of 3 if I won't do 1+2. DON'T MAKE FUN OF MY METAPHOR! hahah.

5. "That feeling." And I know you all know what I'm talking about. It's that same feeling you get when you've cleaned your house, or just your room, and when you wake up in that room after a good night's rest. It's that feeling you get when you leave your office at the end of the day knowing you wrapped up everything you needed to and didn't leave one thing behind. It's the feeling you get when you're taking an exam after you skipped a party to study the night before. It's the feeling you get when you paid your credit card bill instead of spending another dime on it. That same feeling you fall asleep at night knowing you treated your body the right way.

6. Walking by the mirror and not being afraid to look in it. Not being afraid of someone "tagging" you in a photo on facebook...HAHA! But you know what I mean...40 pounds ago if someone had put a photo of me on facebook, that involved anything more than neck-up I would have DIED. Just, died. I would have un-tagged it then I probably would have done a lot of stalker-ish "research" to figure out who they're friends with and who all could have seen that "disgusting" picture.haha. I would love the freedom of not caring. I mean, sure, we all look rough some days, and our faces can be caught in some NASSTY angles but, for weight to terrify you...I don't want to live that life!

I didn't mean for this to get so long, but if you read the whole way through, thank you so much! And I'd love to hear your tiny motivations. I really love and appreciate everyone on MFP for everything! You guys are so encouraging, and I love being able to encourage you! MFP is one of the BEST sites on the entire planet, and you guys help make it that way!



  • Hunny I know EXACTLY what you are talking about!! You have no idea how many little dresses I have wanted to wear, or cute tank tops, etc. I have always hated my arms (as well as my legs, being 5'2" with the shortest legs ever isn't pretty lol) and for the same reason I HATE summer haha. I have always wanted to be able to wear the cute summer outfits I see but could never have enough confidence to do so. I love your Micro-Mini goals, you're def not alone!!! I know I'll be cheering you on until we see a pic of you WITHOUT a cardigan!! haha Good luck!! :wink:
  • degausser234
    degausser234 Posts: 157 Member
    Haha, oh wow, I can completely relate to #4. I mean, look at my profile picture XD
    Best of luck! I hope you reach all of your goals :)
  • ana70
    ana70 Posts: 93
    I love "that feeling" when everything is wrapped up and secure and you can just relax, another day well done. Often life gets chaotic and I lose track of "that feeling". Your goals are great:heart: - you will achieve them just like your lost the 40 pounds. You are doing so well, you must feel great. Good luck to you on your journey.:wink:
  • Yes!! I can relate to all of those!! My biggest goal right now is to be able to go clothes shopping and actually enjoy it!! I hate trying on clothes with a passion cause I usually don't like what I see. But here's to achieving our goals!! No matter how girlie... ;-)
  • myrazimmie
    myrazimmie Posts: 31 Member
    I bought a cute outfit and hung it on my wall... kinda of like those yoplait commercials with the yellow bikini, only a full on outfit. Every morning I wake up and see it. Or if I am sitting at my computer, I look up and wabam: cute outfit attack. It was a splurge, but it helps when I'm tempted to sneak a chocolate or something to see it there and know that I don't really need that chocolate. (and it would be such a waste to never get to wear it.. because I really like it)
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