Aaaaarrgghhh! Boredom snacking!!

My job is pretty seasonal - meaning that it's often crazy busy in the summer and pretty quiet in the winter. We are entering quiet time now and it means I'm quite sedentary, beiing office based most of the time.

The problem is - without the urgency of things being hectic, I find myself getting bored and wanting to snack. I try to keep my snacks quite healthy: fruit, nuts, wasabi peas (highly addictive), but it's all just eating more calories than I actually need! My body still clicks into "time for dinner" mode when I get home from work, so it's not as if snacking during the day is leaving me less hungry in the evenings.

Anyone have any suggestions before I end up the size of a small family car?! Particularly important at the moment as an ankle injury means I can't do as much cardio as normal.

Please help, as the fat girl inside me is trying to take over! Om nom nom nom.......


  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I am the same, i have a desk job which can sometimes be boring and quiet and i can't help but want to snack. The way i fight this is by not taking anything to snack on; luckily i work in the middle of nowhere so it isn't as if i can even pop to a shop. Then i usually have my lunch a little before my lunch break so i then have the full half an hour to get up and go for a run/walk. I preplan EVERYTHING the night before, what i'm going to eat and what time i'm going to eat it. Otherwise i'm afraid it is just good ol' fashioned will power; i won't lie, it is difficult, but as far as i'm aware there is no miracle cure or answer (but if you find one please let me know!). Good luck :)
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Yep. I sit in front of computer 8 hours a day - I'm a CAD Drafter, so without sitting all day I'm out of a job.

    What I have found the works for me is always having tons of water available and gum. Somedays I go through 3-5 sticks a day. I also plan a snack into my day around 2-2:30 (something I know I have on hand). I try and avoid the morning munchies, but yesterday I gave in hard around 10.
  • ehorn625
    ehorn625 Posts: 144
    I snack from boredom at night not at work. I'm too busy at work to snack and am pretty full after lunch so no
    afternoon snacking urges. My problem is at night, at home, etc, etc. Willpower/motivation/discipline-doesn't always
    work but I try to leave enough calories for the end of the day to fit in any snacking in the evening. :ohwell:
  • SpookyElectric
    SpookyElectric Posts: 56 Member
    I work in the city centre, so a ridiculous amount of options on my doorstep! I try to take healthy snacks in, always pre-prepare my lunch... but it's my damn colleagues bringing in an array of biscuits and cakes! Temptation EVERYWHERE!

    I just need to keep busy/distracted, I suppose!