Genuine forgetfulness?!

Happen to anyone else?
I'm well aware i'm trying to eat healthy and lose weight, but every now and again i'll be out and about somewhere and completely forget...

Tonight was a good example, had quite a good day today especially considering it was a family members birthday - been out for a meal, loads of junk food going around too and managed to avoid everything unhealthy minus one strip of chocolate!

Come tonight, popped round a mates for a cuppa / catch up and he had a big tub of really old fashioned sweets, you know the ones, love hearts, double lollies, drumsticks etc etc and we munched on them for a while and it was only after i left i actually remembered! Doh!


  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Not forgetful , distracted. That food literally sucked you in with it's tractor beam!!!!!
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    I am bad to do that when I go to my Mom's house. . .she keeps junk food and pushes it too so she will offer me something and I'll be half way thru eating it and then it will hit me!! It usually doesn't happen as much once I have been in the habit of eating healthy for a while though so that's the good part!
  • dieselveins
    dieselveins Posts: 65 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over it. It's ok to go out from time to time and have a dinner out , and even treat yourself to certain foods not on the healthy side. Just as long as its not a daily or weekly thing you should be just fine.. just hit the gym later or hit it really hard tomorrow .. just think of it as a day of treating yourself because of all the hard work you've done