Incorporating a low carb diet



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Silki, I recommend you check out some of the low carb groups here on MFP, becuase if you post in the main forums you will get unhelpful comments about how low carb isn't necessary. Maybe it isn't necessary for weight loss for some people, but it is optimal for health for nearly everyone (reference: "Grain Brain" by Dr. David Perlmutter).

    Here are some of the groups:

    Low Carber Daily Forum - The Group

    Reddit Keto


    Atkins support group

    I've lost almost 85 lbs. in less than 11 months on a ketogenic diet. It works, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

    In all fairness to the main forums, no one every said low carb doesnt work as it sill runs off a caloric deficit. The main thing you get from low carb is less water weight as you store less glycogen. Many believe that unless you have a medical condition, like my wife does, its just unnecessary to remove foods you enjoy. I found when I did that I tend to binge more. I do think, however, that eliminating trigger foods is important and if low carb is the approach to do so, then great. I am all for finding a sustainable program.

    I worry when I hear a few things; first, when people say I have done this in the passed and it worked great! I question that logic. Because if it did work you wouldnt be back right with the exception of a medical issue or Pregnancy. Also, I laugh when people suggest its a healthier because no independent research suggest that. Only the research to sell books and meal plans do.

    Again OP, I wish you luck but you dont need to go extreme. You can work on getting lean whole proteins, fruits and veggies. My issue with 25g's per day is you cant get a lot of fruit which is loaded with vitamins and minerals that are important with health and fitness. And most fruit doesnt have enough fiber to allow you to net 25gs

    Sorry, you're incorrect. There is plenty of research that shows carbohydrates contribute to ill health. This type of post is exactly why I made my post.

    so then the entire population is not healthy? Give me a break...carbs are used for energy there is nothing "bad' about them, unless one has some kind of underlying medical condition.

    There are no "good" carbs and "bad" carbs..there are just carbs that your body uses for energy...
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    In all fairness to the main forums, no one every said low carb doesnt work as it sill runs off a caloric deficit.

    Bit of a rose tinted view, asking about low carb inevitably attracts a lot of negativity on here. Probably a consequence of the sugar addiction of the carb eaters.

    Fruit has some minerals and vitamins, but is primarily water and sugar. Massively oversold really. Vegetables are far more balanced.

    Great post, the sugar/carb addiction really makes some people very angry to think about taking them away, doesn't it?
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