Body after big weight loss

Hi, this is the first time I have posted so sorry or this is not in the right area?

Anyway my question is about what happens to your body after the weight loss for people who ha e a lot of weight to lose? I have seen some people say they have ended up with loose skin? Is this unavoidable or is there anything that can be done to prevent this!

Also for ladies, sorry if this is a bit TMI but as your breasts obviously get smaller do they end up like saggy? This is really worrying me haha and as I'm only 20 and panicking a bit!

Any information/advice is greatly appreciated!


  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    It very much depends on your genes, how you lose weight, what exercise you do and, to a certain extent, luck.

    I have lost 140lbs in total, and while I'm not toned as such, I don't have saggy skin. I know that if I wanted a perfectly toned look, I could if I did weight training.

    The boobs are another story unfortunately, they've seen better days, but if you think about it, it's MUCH better being healthy with a few drawbacks. I'm 23, by the way (and also a "Gemma Louise" haha).
  • bobbi_jo2
    bobbi_jo2 Posts: 118 Member
    As most anyone will tell you, a big factor is also how quickly you lose the weight. If you lose it very fast, then the skin doesn't have as much time to adjust and there may be loose skin. If you lose weight slowly then your skin has more time to rebound. But also need to be staying really hydrated, and keeping your skin moisturized. I have lost about 60-70 lbs and have a little loose skin on my stomach, but that is also due to my 2 kids.

    I am also 23 years old, but also like Gemma, my boobs have seen better days. They are practically non-existent even. My husband isn't too thrilled about that change. But even then, I am learning to embrace it. I would much rather be fit, healthy, and look good everywhere but have no boobs that be huge with big boobs. I figure, if it really comes down to it and it matters that much, I can always consider getting a breast lift/implant in the future.

    But everyone is different. I've seen people drop a lot of weight and still have a great chest. It really just depends on the person and you wont really know until you get there. Best of luck!
  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    I have struggled with the loose skin. Every day I lotion up once in the morning, once at night. I alternate between a firming lotion and cocoa butter. Plus I take vitamin E.

    Since I started doing these things back around May, I have gone through 2 phases where I noticed sudden tightening of my skin. Not complete tightening, but enough to where it is obvious and the skin is not quite as wrinkly looking as it was or creases have gone away. So, I have hope, but I suspect it will be a long time after I hit my goal that my skin catches up.
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    You're young, so you get to worry less than the rest of us!

    My skin is definitely saggy, but in areas I didn't expect. My stomach has always been my fattest area, but the skin there isn't too bad. My upper arms, inner thighs, and butt haven't fared as well and they weren't as big to start with. It's weird. I think they seem to be firming up a little, but I also need to get used to the sag.

    My boobs...deflated is the best adjective. They were never perky (I'm large chested) but now they are downright sad.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    yep, you're young so you've got that on your side.
    Losing weight slowly and lifting weights has helped me

    Tho the 'girls' have definitely seen better days - especially as I've just breastfed for a year. But the husband doesn't mind - apparently more than a handful is a waste to him hehe
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    Age and genetics play a big part in it. I have lost 180 pounds and am 45 so yes I definitely have excess skin :) I wouldnt let it deter you well, lose at a reasonable rate, stay hydrated, eat good fats and protein and get plenty of sleep.

    I am actually looking at skin surgery for mine but remember I am older (I did lose my weight at a very slow pace and think it would be worse if I hadn't)