went over calories by 50 today help ASAP

and its almost 9pm here...thinking of driving to my 24/7 gym to do like 30min of cycling = me burning like 230calories

but i am kinda tired... really craved food today after me having a well balanced feast and wine at girls night last night. should i let it slide and work out another 30 minutes tomorroe? i already planned to workout ike 90minutes tomorroe with yoga and cardio


  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I wouldn't run to the gym. I would maybe do something at home cause you should burn that 50 calories in like 15 minutes easy. Do a few crunches or jumping jacks or other calisthenics and call it a night. That's why I keep my stability ball in my living room. If I get close on my calories, I'll bounce on it while watching tv. LOL
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    50 cals is nothing I wouldnt worry about it
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    just do some jumping jacks and squats..
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    I know the feeling! I didn't go over but I almost went out and walked in this 100+ degree scorching heat just so I could have an extra helping of dinner. LOL I decided an extra piece of enchilada casserole wasn't worth heat stroke. Sunday is my rest day anyway and my chiropractor has been getting on to me for over doing it so I decided to just skip it.

    If I were you though, I wouldn't go to the gym this late, just crank up some music and dance your @$$ off in your living room for 30 minutes. :laugh:
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Sweetie, relax! Yes, you went over by 50. But MFP already has a biult-in deficit of around 500 calories. So, you're still under what you would be eating if you weren't trying to lose. You'll be fine. Not that I'm advocating using this as an excuse to constantly go over, but just keep it in perspective and don't make a habit of it and you'll be fine.

    Having said that, I took a look at your diary - sorry about that, as I know you didn't give me permission - but I think you should add more fresh veggies and fruits to your diet. I also recommend you add sodium to the nutrients you're tracking in your diary. I think much of what you ate today could be high sodium, and that can derail you faster than 50 measly calories.

    Stick to your regular workout schedule tomorrow and you'll recover fine. A good night's sleep at this point will do you more good than a late-night run to the gym will. Best of luck to you! :smile:
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    you would have to go over by 50 seventy different days to add up to that 3,500 calories to gain a pound. XD Don't worry.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 cal overage is really ok........it is good that you are concerned, this means you are mindful and in this for the goal. BUT, turn on your stereo, IPod, MP3 and dance like you are the best dancer in the world, jump/shake/jiggle for 30 mins in your room......take a shower and then off to bed......wholla all is good!
  • st27
    st27 Posts: 101
    Don't worry about it. If it really bothers you do something at home. Throw a dvd in and do some cardio .
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    i would go tonight cause if you add another 30 mins to tomarrow you will be soo tired after. I think it is better to space out your workouts like food. If you eat or do too much at one time it is not good for you.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    You probably burned 50 calories stressing about going over 50 calories. :tongue: :happy: