Like is this, like, for like Real?

BigDog Posts: 272 Member
Please... Somebody tell me this person doesn't really exist. Please! She's actually a comedienne doing a character right? Right?


  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Clicked on the video and OMG IS THAT A YANKEE CANDLE????
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    LOL... I don't remember seeing a candle.
  • HelllYeaHH
    HelllYeaHH Posts: 56 Member
    I think this is what you get when you cross lady gaga with lil kim and feed it after midnight
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Bump for Justice... and by justice, I mean, Kill it with FIRE!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I think this is what you get when you cross lady gaga with lil kim and feed it after midnight

    I could never, even given a thousand years, come close to coming up with a more accurate comparison than the one you so masterfully crafted.

    Thank you.

    edit: when I'm hungry I can't type good.