Unsolicited advice....



  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    I buy egg whites in the carton, same protein but low in cholesterol. Not that my cholesterol is a problem, but if I'm going to be eating this daily I should be careful, hence I also don't salt my eggs. I also get the benefit that it's low in calories. When logging in my breakfast that really helps!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    When I am offered unsolicited advice I sing songs in my head and ignore them. I usually get away from the person as quickly as I can or pretend I didn't even notice them speaking to me (happened just the other day). Spots keep your sanity some way and best to let that person know you aren't interested in their advice. :)
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    In weight loss as in pregnancy and child rearing, I have learned that the trick is to listen the first time, do your research if the advise seems sound and then make your own decision. If it's something you've heard a million times, just nod and smile and then go on your merry way or else you'll go nuts repeating yourself and fighting for your opinions in a world where there is often no right or wrong (ok, there is, but for some things, it's more of a what works for you world).
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    I use the same tactics I developed with my mother as a teenager. Nod as if I'm taking it all in, and then do whatever I wanted to do in the first place anyway :)

    And I eat the whole egg, the yolk has protein in it and it tastes yummy!

    Agreed .. but the yolk doesn't have protein, it's fat ... but, it contains most of the micronutrients ... I also eat the yolks, they're the best part ...

    Yes! Yolk is the best part. I don't understand the whole anti-egg yolk thing either.

    The yolk thing is more of a cholesterol issue and it's a bit more fat. But if you don't have cholesterol issues, have at it is my opinion! I love egg yolk, so for me no yolk = no egg (though I do sometimes add just whites to fluff up omelettes and such.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I buy egg whites in the carton, same protein but low in cholesterol. Not that my cholesterol is a problem, but if I'm going to be eating this daily I should be careful, hence I also don't salt my eggs. I also get the benefit that it's low in calories. When logging in my breakfast that really helps!

    that type of cholesterol has been shown to be barely affected by the food you eat unless you have a pre-existing condition.

    I eat up wards of 10 whole eggs a day. Seriously- nothing wrong with it what so ever. A whole egg is not really that many more calories than essentially a half an egg. it's not even 100 calories. that being said- all of this is wildly unsolicited - none requested advice. :D

    if you don't want to eat yolks- don't eat yolks. I personally HATE egg whites other than hard boiled. I think it's nasty and doesn't taste like a single thing.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    When someone offers unsolicited advice, I just smile and nod. I've had it a lot lately since it's become noticeable I've lost weight. First thing people ask is, "Are you losing weight on purpose?" When I say that I am, most want to launch into some advice that I didn't ask for - nor do I need.

    As for eggs - an egg is not an egg without the yolk. :)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    do what YOU want
    NOT what they want.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I eat the whole egg. Love it.
    (I love eggs in avocados, baked)

    As for the unsolicited advice: It seems folks here are experts at losing weight. So they know what's best for you. They think.

    I'd say keep on ignoring them. YOU know what's working for you and ONLY YOU know what will be sustainable for you.

    Sure, ask questions, and consider their answers, but when folks tell you "how it's done" they usually don't.

    (I used to get told I was doing it "wrong" or being "unnecessarily restrictive" too. 12 years later...I think I did it right for me.)

    Best of luck with the rest of your journey!
  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    It's really annoying. With a few exceptions, I ONLY accept feedback and advice on MFP. I also only give advice on MFP. I know most people on this site are just trying to help - not judging. That said, I have to be careful not to become miss know-it-all now that I lost the weight. Reading your post reminded me of that. Thank you. My answer to people with advice in the outside world is always the same: Unless you're in the arena getting your *kitten* kicked like I am every day, I'm not interested in you feedback. I use this for everything. I'm a single mom, work full time, and I finally lost my weight my way - with MFP support. I did what worked for me. I did restrict certain trigger foods, and I saved up calories for night-time, because I like eating later. Even now, after losing 70+ pounds, people give me advice. One relative who is way too skinny was giving me advice about losing more weight. I gave her my standard answer and added that I don't want to look like you - too skinny. I want to be strong, have curves, and enjoy food. I was overweight for years, and I'll never forget how I felt. Yesterday, I walked into a store for the first time since I lost the weight, and I almost cried, remembering exactly how sad and disillusioned I was the last time I was there. I'm still the same person, and I will never ever forget. So, take advice from those who have walked in your shoes, and tune out the rest.

    On the egg front - eat the whole egg, but consider adding egg whites. I buy it in the carton. I'd limit your yolks to two a day. Egg white omelets are one of my go to late night snacks, with a slice of weight watchers cheese, a few slices of tomato, and a quarter avocado. Yum.

    You can do this! Good job on your loss so far and good luck.
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    What drives me nuts are the conversations that go like this:

    "Hey, you look great! How much have you lost?"
    "About 65 pounds."
    "That's awesome! Hey, have you heard about South Beach / Atkins / cabbage soup / XYZ cleanse? It's supposed to be great, you can drop like 57 pounds in 3 days! You should do that! bla, bla, bla"

    Uh, yeah, first you acknowledge that what I am doing is working, then you immediately try to tell me how to lose weight? What? Look, of course I've heard of all those and fine if that's what works for some people, but this is working for me, so why would I want to mess with that? (I won't even get into how unhealthy a lot of those fads can be!)

    Equally annoying are the people who ask me how I'm doing it and when I answer "counting calories and exercising" they reply "Oh, no, that doesn't work." Ok? Seems to be working just fine for me.

    This is also why I keep my diary closed. As I don't have any questions on what I am eating and if it's "right", I don't want comments on what I'm eating.
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    The last piece of unsolicited advice I got came at the end of a session in which I was training my son in some Thai Boxing fundamentals. Some prancing-pony body builder-type bro came up to me and said, "Martial arts will mess up your strength."

    I nodded, smiled and said, "Oh. Okay, so how much do you deadlift and bench?"

    "185 lb bench and 300 deadlift," he retorted.

    At this point my 12-year old son busted up laughing, "Dude, have you ever seen Brock Loessner or Mike Tyson fight?"

    This guy looks a bit irritated and I attempted to explain. "Um, son, those are weights that my wife warms up with. In any case, strength training is great. But you may want to google the Dunning-Krueger effect sometime." [That's the psychological phenomenon that describes when ignorance begets confidence.]

    And with that he went back to his bicep curls.
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    What drives me nuts are the conversations that go like this:

    "Hey, you look great! How much have you lost?"
    "About 65 pounds."
    "That's awesome! Hey, have you heard about South Beach / Atkins / cabbage soup / XYZ cleanse? It's supposed to be great, you can drop like 57 pounds in 3 days! You should do that! bla, bla, bla"

    Uh, yeah, first you acknowledge that what I am doing is working, then you immediately try to tell me how to lose weight? What? Look, of course I've heard of all those and fine if that's what works for some people, but this is working for me, so why would I want to mess with that? (I won't even get into how unhealthy a lot of those fads can be!)

    Yup, it's like they're saying. 'great job, you're getting results, but you're doing it all wrong'. Hmmm... little conflicting pieces of info in that conversation. How am I doing it all wrong if I'm getting results?
    The last piece of unsolicited advice I got came at the end of a session in which I was training my son in some Thai Boxing fundamentals. Some prancing-pony body builder-type bro came up to me and said, "Martial arts will mess up your strength."

    Still trying to figure out what would have him thinking that martial arts will mess up your strength... how does becoming more flexible, faster, and developing your analytical skills and reflex time undermine your strength?... obviously though I am asking the wrong person, as you know that it doesn't... I'd feel like telling him to go back to practising counting to 10. :)
  • mikeykhan2003
  • rednose83
    rednose83 Posts: 20 Member
    Honestly, I just say okay and go about my business.

    FTR, I eat the whole egg and have no idea what's people's beef with the whole egg. An egg is like 80 calories max- people aren't overweight from eating too many eggs so I don't know what the deal is. Also, the obsession with cauliflower recipes on MFP astounds me.
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    Honestly, I just say okay and go about my business.

    FTR, I eat the whole egg and have no idea what's people's beef with the whole egg. An egg is like 80 calories max- people aren't overweight from eating too many eggs so I don't know what the deal is. Also, the obsession with cauliflower recipes on MFP astounds me.

    Cauliflower.... barf :p

    You can if you eat your eggs cooked in bacon fat, with a side of bacon, with syrup and with buttered toast, and peanut butter an jam. :)... but yeah, a couple of eggs, no biggie.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    For the unsolicited advice, I just say something like, 'That's interesting but what I'm doing now works really well so I'm just going to stick with it. Thank you though."

    For the egg yolks, I eat 3 egg whites every morning before I work out and I toss my yolks with the shells into the garbage disposal. I've bought the cartoned egg whites before but they're more expensive than eggs so I figure throwing away the yolks is better.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    I have perfected the "eye roll" when I hear "advice" coming my way. I still enjoy a white chocolate mocha every now and again and have to hear how "it shouldn't be on my diet" or "oh are you not dieting today?" **Note, I do not diet. I just choose to eat healthier now. And yes, Starbucks contains calcium, protein and 2 servings of dairy. (no need to correct me, I'm justifying these coffees no matter what!!) Ha!

    I am Vitamin D deficient so the yolks help as there are not many natural foods with Vitamin D. However, it is usually 1 egg with yolk and one egg white.

    Ignore the nay-sayers and rock on!! :flowerforyou:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Honestly, I just say okay and go about my business.

    FTR, I eat the whole egg and have no idea what's people's beef with the whole egg. An egg is like 80 calories max- people aren't overweight from eating too many eggs so I don't know what the deal is. Also, the obsession with cauliflower recipes on MFP astounds me.

    Cauliflower.... barf :p

    You can if you eat your eggs cooked in bacon fat, with a side of bacon, with syrup and with buttered toast, and peanut butter an jam. :)... but yeah, a couple of eggs, no biggie.
    Cauliflower, eggs and bacon, YUM.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I eat the whole egg. Love it.
    (I love eggs in avocados, baked)

  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    I've been working out and eating clean since April and have made great progress doing things on my own. My boyfriend just started bulking 3 weeks ago and now thinks he knows everything about everything fitness and health related.

    When he starts his "do this/do that" speech, I usually tell him to shut up and go make me a sandwich... with extra bacon.

    but seriously it used to really bother me hearing it from others and now I don't even try to object, I smile and nod and pretend I'm listening but I'm really I'm just thinking about food.

    heeehehee. Great answer.