Went out to eat with family unexpectedly and went over 700 c

Today my parents came home from being out of the country and took our family to Pizza Ranch (Buffet place). They first said they were taking us to a different restaurant and before going to the restaurant I looked up the menu and decided ahead of time what to order. When I arrived, they said they had changed their minds and were taking us to Pizza Ranch instead. I completely blew it. Not on purpose...I knew I didn't eat quite as good as I had hoped, but when I got home and added it up I had eaten 1000 calories for lunch! My biggest splurge was 1 cup of mashed potatoes. I honestly had no idea it was going to be about 400 calories. Today is only my 3rd day on MFP. Any advice on what to do when in a situation like this again? I really want to succeed! Thanks!!


  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    Don't sweat it. It sounds like you did the best you could. It happens to the best of us. Calories vary so much from place to place, that it's easy to get surprised when you think you know what something is going to be and it turns out differently.
  • alphasigalum
    I have struggled the last 3 days myself, first question, do you have the app on your phone? I know iPhone, Blackberry and droid have this app on the phone and it's so helpful... if not do you have access to the internet on your phone? If not, then I would just guess as best as you can but know if something tastes really really good, it's probably not the best for you. If I am out and I cannot control what I eat, I will start with a huge salad with all low calories veggies and low fat dressing or FF dressing on the side and dip the salad in the dressing. I will then limit myself to one "cheating" item, pizza, cake, etc and try to get myself full with the most healthy options..

    I hope this helps!
  • WhiskeyBravo
    knowledge is power, like you said...you had no idea that there were so many calories in mashed potatos....because you want to succeed you will be more likely to pass on items that you know are calorie laden. I was the same way, my fiance' offered me some of his Starbux coffee cake.....I just thought I can only imagine how many calories are stuffed in that thang, and I didn't want to waste my calories on somthing that tasted "kinda" good. Keep in mind, it's not how you start, it's how you finish....congrats on getting started u'll love this site!
  • Amarea
    Amarea Posts: 91 Member
    First, don't beat yourself up! It happened and you start right now to do exactly as you were doing. It is *great* that you looked ahead of time. Look at it as a learning experience. You can try and offset it with some exercise. But, most importantly, plan your menu for tomorrow, look up recipes, set a time for your exercise, and look forward! You're doing great and you'll continue to do great, don't let anything get you down.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Some of it will come with experience, the more you log everything you eat the more aware you'll become of how many calories are in food and can avoid the big hitters. Buffets are just plain dangerous! If you plan out where you will be eating before hand (like you had) you can help avoid some surprises. Sometimes a simple reminder to the people you're going with that you'd prefer something with healthier choices will do the trick. Worst comes to worst, plan on some extra exercise when you know you'll be going out to eat so you've got more wiggle room in your calories.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start all over again?

    More seriously, drink some extra water, and treat every day as it's own (so you don't punish yourself tomorrow for today, or indulge the day after a great workout as a treat for good behavior)....

    It's a lifestyle, not a diet: sometimes, Pizza Ranch must be visited.

    Emma Goldman's "If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution" strikes me as oddly appropriate. I want a life for myself where sometimes I have mashed potatoes. Or a beer. And it's not a heartbreak, and it doesn't require that I do penance. Just that I live each day thoughtfully.

    Hope it helps, rant-y as it is. And I hope the mashed potatoes were excellent! (Homer Simpson drool)
  • moosenbratsmommy
    just be a litle more strict tomorrow. that's what i'd do... dont' let one day get you down. maybe if you know you are going to eat out, you can double your workout or something? you get right back on track and you will realize one day like today- maybe every 2 weeks- will keep you on track!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Just get back on track at your next meal and the next day. WE ALL have those days, no matter how much we try to prepare ourselves for eating out it is never easy. You are here with us and that says a lot. Lots of luck to you!:bigsmile:
  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    I think the time spent with your family is more important than beating yourself up. You've got lots of great tips above, but reflect on a great time out with your folks, no amount of food will ever be more important than that.
  • darby_lindsay
    I too, am new to this site (my 7th day!), and I did the same thing you did... after talking to my dad who has already lost almost 100 lbs with this program, he offered some great advice: Everyone has their off days... Pick one day per week that will be your "off day" and eat what you want; however, try to balance it out by doing some extra work during your other days. This may not work for everyone, but after my bad day, I decided to add an extra 15 mins to my bike riding or walking everyday and it balanced out for the week. Don't beat yourself up about it. I've also realized that if you tell yourself you CAN'T have something, that's all you'll think about. Eat whatever you want, just less of it. If you know you want dessert, eat a light lunch or dinner. Good luck with your goals... stick with it and you will definitely succeed (even with an off day here and there)!