Have you always been overweight?



  • Dunsirn
    Dunsirn Posts: 82 Member
    No. I didn't get overweight until I joined the military and was forced to work out. That's what you call irony.

    That *is*, *genuinely*, *actually* what you call irony. Thank you for using that word appropriately.

    Y'all would have hated me in my teens and early 20's, because I was always skinny, could eat anything and didn't put any weight on.

    Then everything went horribly wrong around ages 25-26...
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    Me no. I started gaining weight in my 30s, and thought it was normal to get bigger in your 30s. I didnt notice what was happening until i was 33, by 34 I had increasing difficult fitting in work clothes every morning, mad a lot when my size wasnt available, lost my job that year, and from there my weight increased even faster, it wasn't until I had to sleep on my back, and even waking up just due to the sound of my own snoring, and needing x5 XL shirts to wear and nothing less, I knew then im not just overweight, i'm seriously obese. Now ive lost almost 12kgs, and have belief I can get the weight I took for granted in my 20s. I will turn 40 in few months, but now I feel like 28!
  • san0322
    san0322 Posts: 58 Member
    I have been overweight my entire life. My parents had a sweet tooth, so there were always snacks in the house - little cakes, ice cream, etc. I never went hungry. Fridays were always pizza nights and both of my parents LOVE pasta. My brothers and I were never limited to portions or denied any food.

    I was always the fat kid in elementary school. I played sports my entire life, even in high school and in college. At 5'2" in high school I was about 175. College, I don't even remember - but I watched what I ate and definitely was required to work out.

    At about 23 yrs old, I went to the doctor and weighed in at 205. That was a wake up call. I decided to cut out the overtime I was working, stop drinking so much and make some time for myself. With some relatively minor changes, and really only working out for like 45 mins/3-4 days per week, I dropped 45 pounds in 4 months and went down to 160.

    Then, I went back to school for my master's degree and was working full time and the weight started to slowly creep back up. At about 27 yrs old I was around 185.

    In 2010-2011 (28-29 yrs old) my weight really started to balloon drastically for no apparent reason. I watched what I ate and went to the gym and I reached a high of 215. I was tested for thyroid along with a host of other things and "nothing" seemed to be wrong. Since then, it's been a complete struggle to lose weight. Currently, I am 169.

    But since I have been overweight my entire life, I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to even be considered a "normal weight." I'm sure there are a lot of other people on here who feel the same way.
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    I've been at both end s of the spectrum,;from being normal weight when I was a child, I dropped to between 90 and 100 lbs in my 20s which was probs a bit low at 5 ft 6 ins, but I was exercising a lot and dancing. This went to a healthy 140lbs during my 30s when I took up body building and fitness in a big way and it remained like this until I had a baby by C Section at 42. Since then I've struggled with my weight, gradually creeping to 190lbs- I l lost most of it once about 5 years ago and then broke my ankle, stopped exercising and lost interest. Finally in April this year at 191 lbs I decided that once and for all I have to lose the weight and I'm now 145lbs, much happier, feel healthier, more positive and I'm NOT going back! Now I'm where I want to be I'll take life as it comes but the weight will never be allowed to return-I feel so much better, I feel like I have the old me back and I wont let go. Good Luck to everyone struggling with their weight, go for it, its worth it! x
  • Mindylee143
    Mindylee143 Posts: 27 Member
    I have been overweight my whole life...as a matter of fact, I weigh less now than I did when I was 13. At around age 16, I hit 200 lbs. and hadn't been under 200 at all as an adult. When I started my weight loss journey, I was 255...I'm 165 lbs currently and I'm still working toward my goal of 150!

    It CAN be done!!!!
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I don't think it's fair to minimize the effort of someone's weight loss simply because they were once not overweight.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I was not overweight or an athlete when I was young. I started the slow creep at about age 30 (or so) but I was so thin before, that I was still at a healthy weight until my mid 40's. During that time my weight bounced around (gain 10, lose 7, gain 5, lose 5, gain 10, lose 5, etc.) but slowly went up.

    Then my nest emptied and I got lazy and became overweight, though I was still heatlhy. Luckily I have regular checkups and got up off my lazy bum when healthy markers started to get near the unhealthy zone.

    I really wish I'd never let it creep up 30 lbs, though. It was much easier to maintain my weight before.
  • dmoppy
    dmoppy Posts: 45 Member
    No, never an athlete, but until college I could eat anything I wanted (loved pizza and French fries - at the same meal) but put a little on once I was in the dorm (freshman 15) and not working a job where I was walking around all day. In pictures I can see my weight grow just a little year over year after that but it accelerated once I was married and my wife became pregnant with our two kids. Once I gained the "sympathy weight" I moved from being “overweight” in my late 20’s and early 30’s to “obese” in my mid 30’s where I “held it” at a stupidly high level for 14 years (208, 5’8”) and thought that was good enough. I only started to address it back in June 2012 when I changed my eating portions, increased my exercise and treated calories like currency - using a "cash only budget" and no more "credit" (thanks MFP!). I'm back in the BMI "healthy range" and at 50 can run faster and farther than I have ever done before in my life - and still looking to improve my distance and speed. I tell people I have the knees of a 20 year old since I wasn't using them until 18 months ago. Next is overall fitness, but I’m enjoying the running and the success I’ve achieved so far.
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    I've always been the fattest kid in the group/class since probably pre-school. Not even just a little chubby but totally fat. Was that way because my family knew nothing of nutrition. But recently since I've been working at a clinic, I've learned a lot and my family and I are getting healthy.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    When puberty kicked in at age 11, I went from a lean, coltish little thing to chubster almost overnight. I was overweight ever since, occasionally obese, and yo-yo dieted since age 13. BUT I've finally figured out this "losing weight" and "getting fit" stuff and am now in the best shape of my life. I weigh less now than I did in grade 8 - and I'm bulking! :laugh: (Yes, I'm actually putting weight on on purpose now - what a mind fuark!) It took doing a lot of things wrong for a long time, before I learned how to do things the right way. I guess when you finally realize that doing the same thing over and over is yielding the same bad result, it motivates you to do some research and figure out a different approach. It can be done! :drinker:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've pretty much been overweight since I was about 7 or 8. I was about 130 when I was 15 which is technically a healthy weight, but started to gain once I start dating around 16 or 17 and ever since then it's been up and down. The smallest I've been as an adult is 150 when I was 19. I was walking 2 miles a day in the morning, then doing circuit training and running intervals, and swimming laps. I also was eating pretty normal and healthy but still crappy stuff every now and then, so not sure how that worked - it doesn't now that I'm older! lol

    So now I'm eating very clean, staying at right about 1200 even after working out (I eat my exercise calories - all of them!!), and am doing strength and cardio.
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    When I was a kid I was usually in the bottom end of a healthy weight for my height and age. Something happened in junior high and high school though, I gained a lot of weight but it wasn't really all that unhealthy but then after high school, especially in the last ten years I've been not as active, so the weight kinda packed on, finally last year I said enough is enough and decided to do something about it.
  • wistera
    wistera Posts: 22 Member
    Always been overweight; or at least, since I can remember in elementary school. I don't have a huge sweet tooth and parents cooked relatively healthily, but I think they just didn't quite have serving sizes down when they were responsible for feeding me. Stayed overweight/obese (but still cooking/eating reasonably healthily, just too much) until this year when I started up on MFP. Still overweight, but on the downward now! :)
  • vonnybasset
    I was always the fat kid that was hopeless at sports and grew up to be a fat teenager as well.I had my daughter when I was 18 and managed to lose a lot of weight by the time she was three.Then over the years my weight increased because of bad eating habits and by the time I was in my late 30's I was well over 230 pounds!
    I decided that I would lose weight and was 168 pounds on my 40th birthday.I went on to lose another 28 pounds, met Roy when I was 41 and my life changed.

    Over the years my weight crept up again by about 28 pounds.I saw a photo of me at my stepsons wedding and thought yikes!
    People on DP were doing a healthy type thread so I joined them.That was 2 and a half years ago I have lost over 42 pounds now and now weigh 125 pounds or just under it and have been this weight for around a year.I am now in my late 50's and weigh less than I did in my 20's.
    So I wish you luck and hope that you achieve your goals.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Nope, got fat after I got pregnant the first time.
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    I don't think it's fair to minimize the effort of someone's weight loss simply because they were once not overweight.

    I don't think it's minimizing weight loss if the person were once thin. For those of us who were always fat, we have no idea what it's like to be fit once. It's a scary process because we are going into the unknown. It's what we want but at the same time it's something we've never been.

    Since I've been on MFP and reading all the comments I do, people who have always been fat have a different mentality than used to be thin people and the process may come with a lot of happiness but at the same time it may come with a bit of bitter as well.

    I've also done a lot of research on it in the past because I was trying to find support groups for me so that I wouldn't let any bitterness stop me from becoming a healthy person.
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    I had never been overweight until I moved to Canada! This could also have something to do with the fact that I lived with my parents up until that point and I smoked. My mum always used to make dinner for me and I was always broke. I'd rather have bought cigarettes than food/took the bus. I used to walk 3 miles to and from work or college because of smoking. Now I quit smoking and own a car. It's also difficult to cook for myself but I think I'm in a good routine now! :)

    Edited to say: I gained 32lbs when I moved to Canada. I went from 150lbs to 182lbs at a height of 5'9ft.
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    The earliest pic I can find of me being chubby is 3rd grade. Which would have made me 7 yrold I believe ( right on the edge of being held back a year ).

    I don't even remember eating that much but I do remember eating poorly, we were always struggling for money and food. I consistently gained weight, I was up to 180 in highschool. Once I moved out on my own I totally packed on the lbs because I could actually afford to go out to eat and I loved getting all this crazy food instead of living off of hamburger helper lol.

    I've now lost almost 50 lbs and have a ways to go but it's been so easy that I don't forsee any problems in being able to go all the way with weight loss.

    I just think I had to spend 10 years eating everything I ever wanted but didn't get to so now that I've done that I'm good to get rid of this weight gain hah.
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    Yeah, pretty much. I've always been on the chunkier side. Although, when I separated from my husband about 3 years ago, I was the thinnest adult weight I've ever been (which was 148) because I lost about 10 lbs when we split up, though I normally stayed around 160-165 at 5'5. I've always saw myself as fat, even though everybody always told me otherwise.

    Now I'm 197 and trying to get back to what I used to think was fat, lol!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I've always been fat.

    Had three chins in elementary, but then I grew very tall very quickly, and was just chubby. High school came and went, college came and went (and that was a whole lot of weight gain there) and I'm finally able to fit in my old Jr. High band shirt.

    It's weird looking in the mirror. Most of the time I look the same (I was in denial of how much I had gained in college), but once in a while when I see a muscle or a collar bone, it takes me off guard.