crunchy joints sound awful



  • dacspace
    dacspace Posts: 109 Member
    Mine do it all the time! My trainer even comments on the sounds my knees and left shoulder make when I lift or do just about anything involving my legs. She has screws in her left knee so some days we compare sounds HAHA! :laugh:

    It is a pretty eerie sound but as long as there is no pain then it should be okay (at least that's what my ortho has told me). Do you listen to music (headphones) while you workout? That helps me to not hear those sounds!
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I just turn my music up and drown the sound out
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    i never work out to music - great idea!! will give it a try :)
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    MIne is my neck when doing "relaxing" neck rolls. Feel like the tin man needing some oil! But it doesn't make me sick. Just makes me laugh.
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    I have painless crunching and popping all the time. My knee has decided to join the joint symphony by making a creaking noise whenever I squat. My hip pops when I do situps, and I snap, crackle, pop when I walk lol
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    thanks fellow tin men/women for chiming in and making me feel better :)

    yeah i just can't do the bike without wanting to yak. so it's the stair master, sometimes, which isn't too bad bc i can control range of motion & it's too slow to make that disgusting sound/feeling.

    (music didn't help, could still feel it :( )
  • Dawn_Snowden
    Dawn_Snowden Posts: 111 Member
    My knees are always crunching. Sometimes I think I have a bag of cereal in there. I do the same as others here - crank up the music and ignore it. But if you have pain along with the crunch, you might want to get it looked at.
  • FranceyPants
    FranceyPants Posts: 98 Member
    I'm 23 and I get crunches too, but they go away after a few reps. Mostly in my shoulders when I do pressups with a bar. Sometimes in my knees.