Does This Sound Right? TDEE Calculations

Does anyone else us a TDEE Calculation? does this sound right if you do?
TDEE: Harris- 2,106 x.70 (30%) NO exercise-1474
Light 1-3 Workout -2413x.70(30%)-1689
Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2720 x.70% (30%)-1904

I am 26
5'3 290lbs ( yikes!!)
BMI: Unsure as I get two different ones. ( 62.1 ( and 51.2 ( I have been going off of the higher one.
Waist: 49.5

I guess I am second guessing myself because everyone keeps telling me how they lost 63lbs in 7months and they don't know how I only lost 40lbs in 6 months. I am doing this to double check if I am doing it right? I am changing my eating habit to be more fresh vegetables and fruits and less processed. I am gluten and lactose free (minus yogurt and cheddar cheese. they don't bother me) I guess I am stumped to why I keep plateauing after every 10lbs. I do recheck my stuff after 10lbs lost and change whatever is need, drink about 9 glasses of lemon water a day. I walk/jog as much as I can ( cannot run due to medical issues in right leg- broken leg still healing). So all in all does everything seem right to you?

FYI- have a body media core armband to calculate my burns for workout and sleep and all that stuff.

:) thanks so much!!


  • MountainMoverJosh
    First, congrats on 40 lbs in 6 months. That is a huge feat for you, and almost impossible for me right now. Nothing is "just" at that level.

    Second...I would say that *I am unsure of your calculations. I thought you were a dude, sorry. The chemistry is different for men. We burn more because we have more muscle mass.

    I would check again, or try a different formula if you feel it is off. there are many out there!

    good job!

    *edited for male/female mixup
  • MountainMoverJosh
    Oh, and plateauing happens when your body is used to what you are doing. So every 10 lbs, change routine. If you work out in the mornings, work out in the evenings, and do different exercises. If you just use the same muscles at the same times, your body adapts to the stress, and you don't work as hard.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I got exactly the same bmi from both calculators .... how strange

    slow and steady is more sustainable in the long run, so I would keep going. I mean you could eat less and you would lose faster, but that is probably not healthier and may leave you really short on energy. Good luck :-)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Does anyone else us a TDEE Calculation? does this sound right if you do?
    TDEE: Harris- 2,106 x.70 (30%) NO exercise-1474
    Light 1-3 Workout -2413x.70(30%)-1689
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2720 x.70% (30%)-1904

    I am 26
    5'3 290lbs ( yikes!!)
    BMI: Unsure as I get two different ones. ( 62.1 ( and 51.2 ( I have been going off of the higher one.
    Waist: 49.5

    I guess I am second guessing myself because everyone keeps telling me how they lost 63lbs in 7months and they don't know how I only lost 40lbs in 6 months. I am doing this to double check if I am doing it right? I am changing my eating habit to be more fresh vegetables and fruits and less processed. I am gluten and lactose free (minus yogurt and cheddar cheese. they don't bother me) I guess I am stumped to why I keep plateauing after every 10lbs. I do recheck my stuff after 10lbs lost and change whatever is need, drink about 9 glasses of lemon water a day. I walk/jog as much as I can ( cannot run due to medical issues in right leg- broken leg still healing). So all in all does everything seem right to you?

    FYI- have a body media core armband to calculate my burns for workout and sleep and all that stuff.

    :) thanks so much!!

    BMI: I entered your information on both sites and got 51.4 on both.

    As for your TDEE information.
    I generally refer people to

    So information I entered:
    63 inches
    20% Reduction

    Mifflin-St. Jeor Method:
    Desk job w/little exercise - 2433 to maintain 1946 to lose
    1-3hrs per week light exercise - 2788 to maintain 2230 to lose
    **There are more activity levels, but for time reasons I'm sticking to just the bottom 2.

    Harris Benedict Method:
    Desk job w/little exercise - 2503 to maintain 2002 to lose
    1-3hrs per week light exercise - 2868 to maintain 2294 to lose

    **There are 2 other methods on the site, but both require body fat % to calculate.
    For me the Katch-McArdle method has been the closest to accurate with what I need to eat to lose weight.

    edit: I should add that I don't see anything wrong with your progress thus far. It's healthy to lose only 1-2lbs per week.
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    I guess I am second guessing myself because everyone keeps telling me how they lost 63lbs in 7months and they don't know how I only lost 40lbs in 6 months.

    That's about 1.6lbs a week. That is amazing. Don't let other people bring you down!
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    If you're tracking exercise calories burned in MFP and potentially eating them back, you should calculate TDEE-20% as "sedentary/very little exercise." If you use "lightly active", you shouldn't track any exercise unless it's more than the stated "1-3 hrs a week." That seems vague to me, so I just use "sedentary" and then track exercise separately.

    Personally, I've been losing 2 lbs a week at 1400 cal a day without eating back exercise cals (but I don't exercise much). I didn't find that number based on the calculators, but it matches up almost exactly with the "sedentary" calculation of TDEE-25% for me. But that's only me! I'm 160 lb and 5' 4".
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Thanks for all the information! Shadow2soul did you use military on the one I got 62.1? If not that could be why its different numbers for me. I will have to re do everything then if they both are matching up! Also I don't eat exercise calories back. I do log it but normally do that after dinner so doesn't mess with my calories and such. Also I do 30% off my calories instead of 20% as I have more to loose and struggle eating up to 1200 anyways. Highest I ever reached was 1600. So have a lot to fix it seems. :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Instead of using an online estimate use your own data.

    There is a calculation to measure you personal TDEE then there is no guessing.

    The calculation requires yo take a period of time (more then 1 week) and use your actual data.

    Total calories consumed+weight lost*3500/number of days=tdee

    For example I chose 21 days (after I started measuring my food on a kitchen scale)

    (29,642+(3.5*3500))/21=1995 that is my own TDEE based on actual data...

    So I can then choose to -20% or 15% whatever my goals are. I chose -20% so 1995*20%=399

    1995-399=1596...I eat 1600 a day...
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Thanks for all the information! Shadow2soul did you use military on the one I got 62.1? If not that could be why its different numbers for me. I will have to re do everything then if they both are matching up! Also I don't eat exercise calories back. I do log it but normally do that after dinner so doesn't mess with my calories and such. Also I do 30% off my calories instead of 20% as I have more to loose and struggle eating up to 1200 anyways. Highest I ever reached was 1600. So have a lot to fix it seems. :)

    So the 62.1 is a Body Fat % not a BMI. That would explain the different numbers.
    BMI = height to weight ratio
    Body Fat % = muscle to fat ratio

    So it is very possible that your BMI is 51.4 and that you have an estimated BF% of 62.1% (if my math is correct that is about 109lbs Lean Body mass and 180lbs fat). If the 62.1% body fat estimate is correct, that actually lowers your TDEE by quite a bit (fat doesn't burn as many calories as muscle). For, example switching over to the Katch method on the calculator I used above, changes your TDEE to 1738 (for lowest activity setting) instead of the numbers that are closer to 3000.

    You will have to play with the numbers of calories you eat a day. All the online calculators will just be estimates and I wouldn't expect any one of them to be 100% accurate.

    If your having trouble eating at least 1200, add things like nuts, peanut butter, avocado, etc. These add calories without adding a lot of volume.

    I personally don't do the TDEE method, but I've looked into it before. I know that the average calories I eat (1886) does actually match pretty closely to what the Katch-McArdle method says I need to eat to lose weight.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member

    At your weight you can probably eat 2200 easily.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Thanks for all the information! Shadow2soul did you use military on the one I got 62.1? If not that could be why its different numbers for me. I will have to re do everything then if they both are matching up! Also I don't eat exercise calories back. I do log it but normally do that after dinner so doesn't mess with my calories and such. Also I do 30% off my calories instead of 20% as I have more to loose and struggle eating up to 1200 anyways. Highest I ever reached was 1600. So have a lot to fix it seems. :)

    So the 62.1 is a Body Fat % not a BMI. That would explain the different numbers.
    BMI = height to weight ratio
    Body Fat % = muscle to fat ratio

    So it is very possible that your BMI is 51.4 and that you have an estimated BF% of 62.1% (if my math is correct that is about 109lbs Lean Body mass and 180lbs fat). If the 62.1% body fat estimate is correct, that actually lowers your TDEE by quite a bit (fat doesn't burn as many calories as muscle). For, example switching over to the Katch method on the calculator I used above, changes your TDEE to 1738 (for lowest activity setting) instead of the numbers that are closer to 3000.

    You will have to play with the numbers of calories you eat a day. All the online calculators will just be estimates and I wouldn't expect any one of them to be 100% accurate.

    If your having trouble eating at least 1200, add things like nuts, peanut butter, avocado, etc. These add calories without adding a lot of volume.

    I personally don't do the TDEE method, but I've looked into it before. I know that the average calories I eat (1886) does actually match pretty closely to what the Katch-McArdle method says I need to eat to lose weight.

    DUH!! that's what it is then! because I remember them telling me that I was carrying such and such for fat and such and such for lean body mass. So you are correct in my BMI is 51.4 and BF is 62.1%. Sorry about that!! but thanks for bringing to my attention!

    My TDEE going off my body media armband which is designed for my body weight and exercise activities and workout ways says I am 2,555. Which is higher than what the others were saying. So I might just go off of what that is saying and figure out what would work best for me.

    My body has been all over the place with loosing weight I started at 1800 and lost 10lbs and plateaued for 3 weeks, dropped it down and switched my foods and lost another 10lbs on 1700 and same thing happened plateaued and had to drop it down and change my food and now I am back to the same thing at 1500lbs ( but honestly can't say its 1500 as half the time I can only make it to 1300 or 1160 as I have stomach problems and getting allergic to foods) so I am frustrated but not discouraged that I need to figure my body out better. I just wish to reach close to 250 or 260 by Christmas. But I am not 100% dead set that if it doesn't happen I quit! Just would be nice to be back to the weight I was before my accident.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If you're losing, you're doing it right. People who lose weight so quickly often end up gaining it back. Just keep doing what you're doing.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    If you're losing, you're doing it right. People who lose weight so quickly often end up gaining it back. Just keep doing what you're doing.

    Yes I am loosing or should say was loosing. I am plateauing right now going on 2 weeks.

    Going off of the website it calculates just like my body media armband that at wanting to lose 2lbs every week that I should be eating 1788. Only thing is I was up to that amount and plateaued for 3 weeks. So I am just trying to figure out what Is a good number to be on and stay at that as I don't eat my calories back.

    (2,555 x .70% =1788)


    Your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) is: 2788

    Your body needs energy to function, and your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the number of calories your body burns simply by living. Regular exercise increases your RMR and helps to keep your body healthy and feeling great!

    Your Daily Target Caloric Intake is: 1788

    Weight goal you entered: Lose 2 pounds per week.