losing motivation/need help please

OMG I actually feel like i'm just going to explode!!!

For the past two months I've been feeling miserable...no matter what I do I just can't seem to stay on track with my food/workouts and I don't know what to do. I really wan't to get back on track but I feel like i've fallen out of the loop and not sure how to get back.

I keep finding myself binging on junk food and feeling extremely awful afterwards and no matter how many times it happens, I never seem to learn.

Can someone please offer me some advice? I just don't know how to pick myself up and I feel so miserable, I don't even know who to talk to except you guys here on mfp. :'(



  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    It's hard to tell if you can't even stay on track for a few days, or if you're always on track.

    My advice assumes you can stay on track for a short time, but not for as long as a week.

    (1) As soon as you eat something that's disallowed, log it and forgive yourself. Don't allow one bad decision to make you write off a whole day - you can do a lot of damage in a whole day (or even in an evening). Wipe your slate clean right after the transgression and then remind yourself that if you eat no more your slate is clean.

    (2) Use a charting program that lets your daily weigh-ins give you real feedback on yesterday. Every day you get a dot over the line you'll know what you did the day before that caused it. Every day you behave, you'll get a dot below the line. I find this very powerfully reinforcing. I like Libra on Android and trendweight.com on the web (image below).

    (3) Get rid of junk in your house. What's not there can't be eaten.

    (4) Indulge with activities that are incompatible with food. Reward yourself with bubble baths, chew sugar-free gum, play an instrument or video game - anything that can be done that you enjoy that is incompatible with eating will work.

    Good luck!

  • wendyg311
    wendyg311 Posts: 239 Member
    You could set a date a week from now that you will "start". Take some of the pressure off yourself for a few days and get mentally prepared to start on that date. Don't go crazy during your "off" week, just don't pressure yourself as much. Spend some time on MFP for support and research a lifestyle change during that week. Look at peoples success stories and you will notice it is not going to happen overnight. Notice what you are feeling when you feel a binge coming on. If you try to dissect what you are feeling, you may be able to handle the moment differently.
    I am a junk food binge eater. I know the feeling of anxiety when it's coming on, the relief when I am doing it, and the GUILT and self loathing after.

    MFP it is a wonderful sight with great people,but If you are feeling terrible about other areas of your life, and can't pick yourself up, you may want to speak to your doctor.
  • siegte16v
    siegte16v Posts: 139
    I have the same issues I know how you are feeling its a horrible circle.
    If like me you like your demon foods.. Try what I do pick a day were you treat yourself to something that you like my goal day is Saturdays.
    This doesn't mean go mad and smash 5000 calories..just a little reward.
    I'll do my best all week calorie counting and fitness, with the fitness for me it's 1 day on 1 day rest and each Friday morning when the body's at it lightest it's on the scales.
    If I've lost weight I'll treat my self on the Saturday as a reward.
    Try not too weigh your self daily because the body's weight can go up and down in a matter of hours , and this can drive you to getting angry with your self and having a binge to make your self feel better.

    Hope you get back in the groove !! Chin up and carry on !! :)