Binge Challenge

Is there an October binge challenge out there? I cant find it, but would like to join.

Thank you!


  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    Ok, for October, I will not binge. Period. I will embrace healthy eating. And if I mess up, I will forgive myself. Every day is a new beginning.
  • tyleeloo28
    We could always make one. I'm so frustrated with my binging habits right now.
  • Annieschoen12
    I'd love to join the challenge if there is one.
  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    Sounds like you just made one. No binge October!
  • tyleeloo28
    Sounds good to me! :)
  • Pamstimelines
    Pamstimelines Posts: 79 Member
    No Binge October! I'm in!
  • aljeca
    aljeca Posts: 83
    really? binge eating is an eating disorder... not something to make a fun "challenge" out of... i mean if it works for you then all the more power to you... but really... i'd recommend seeing a doctor
  • cacklingcat
    cacklingcat Posts: 150 Member
    really? binge eating is an eating disorder... not something to make a fun "challenge" out of... i mean if it works for you then all the more power to you... but really... i'd recommend seeing a doctor

    WOW and wat's the doctor going to say.....I now don't eat as much work on it every day and try to be mindful, at least that's what a good doctor would say, A bad 1 would put you on meds that would probably not work. OP is try to do it right and get in a group that can support here.
    Not shore wear your attitude cam from but it really killed the positivity of this thread. So next time if your not going to actually have helpful advice than keep you mouth closed.... the end.
    OP I would just take time and look in the group section when you have the chance, I believe they have a search area maby try that( I belong to 1 my self but its not a monthly good lock :happy:
  • Azarashi1
    I'm in!:)
  • guroprincess
    really? binge eating is an eating disorder... not something to make a fun "challenge" out of... i mean if it works for you then all the more power to you... but really... i'd recommend seeing a doctor

    I think it's pretty obvious by the context that OP didn't mean eating disorder binging.
  • aljeca
    aljeca Posts: 83
    @cacklingcat WOW learn English. Your spelling and grammar are appalling.

    If you binge - by definition, lose control of yourself while eating an excessive amount of food - you have an eating disorder.

    Binge eating is treatable through cognitive behavioural therapy - essentially keeping a food log and a journal of your emotions when you're eating to track patterns i.e., bingeing when you feel anxious.

    There's a big difference between bingeing and overeating. I am a mental health professional and I think it's important to make that distinction. People who actually binge typically engage in very unhealthy patterns where they experience a sense of "control" for a time (staying within strict calorie limits, maintaining a strict exercise regime) then lose that control and binge. The loss of control is key - this isn't just eating one slice of pizza too many or whatever.

    So while you seem to think I'm here raining on everyone's parade, I'm actually just concerned for anyone who identifies as having an issue with bingeing to the point they are joining a challenge. Its better to address the unhealthy relationship with food w/help from a doctor if necessary than to do this.. but whatevs good luck to you all anyway