30 Day Shred - Anyone want to join me ?



  • yummygoods
    yummygoods Posts: 32 Member
    Today was day three of level one for me!

    I'm sore from days one and two plus zumba and running so I was really not up for it today! But I did it, knowing it was only 20 minutes to struggle through and it does go by pretty fast.

    Actually, I turn it off before the cooldown and do my own 15 minutes of stretching out, so now I can think of it as only 18 minutes!
  • ntp0826
    ntp0826 Posts: 95 Member
    I think its 10 days on level 1, 10 days on level 2 and 10 days on level 3! :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I haven't shredded since Friday. It was my day 4/level 2. I am trying to do it 4 days a week instead of three...m,t, th, f. Saturday I took the day off completely. Sunday I did an hour of zumba class and an hour of cardio afterwards.
    I'm going for day 5/level 2 today. I hope to move on to level 3 by Labor day.

    I'll be on later to see how everyone is doing.
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Day 25 done. So looking forward to Sunday when I don't have to wake up knowing I've got the shred waiting for me. Freedom! The past three days have been particularly hard for me because I'm feeling pretty crappy. Might have a bit of a cold. No energy and incredibly low mood. Pushing through, though, I REFUSE to skip a day. Not gonna win any prizes for skipping. Weight has been sticking the same for about 6 days in a row but it shifted today. Albeit, not the way I wanted it to, but it still moved. Not been very strict with my meals. Still logging everything and trying not to go over. Can't help it, some days, because I've been feeling rubbish.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I feel ya I ddi the shred sat. after I felt really nauseated but i have never felt that way with the shred. So sun I walked on the tred. for 30 min and after I was nauseated all day. I don't know what it is but it stinks. I hate missing workouts! Goodluck You will need to take off for your body to rest.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Finished D3L2 today and burned 305 cals. Feel great, I love the way my arms are starting to look, all toned.

    Keep up the shredding everyone, you all are doing great.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Shredders,
    Just a quick check in - I took Sunday as a rest day and totally enjoyed it. I could not drag myself out of bed for my am workout so that means Jillian and I have a date when I get home!!! I plan on L2D3 + TJ 20min when I get home.

    I really dislike doing this dvd but I love how I feel afterwards .... does that make any sense ?????

    Make it a great day,
  • Mehs
    Mehs Posts: 73 Member
    Just did D5L1. I skipped a day again yesterday but I'm back today. I'd like to get a heart rate monitor to get a better account of calories burned during my workouts, something inexpensive. Any good suggestions, ladies? Thanks.
  • jesse14472
    jesse14472 Posts: 161
    Day 10/Level 1 is done!!! WOOHOO! Skipped yesterday b/c I started back to work and the thought of excercising and then working with 3-5 yr olds was daunting.:laugh: But made no excuses this morning, even though my right knee was complaining. I made sure to really get some extra strectching in to loosen it up and so far so good. On to Level 2 tomorrow!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Just did D5L1. I skipped a day again yesterday but I'm back today. I'd like to get a heart rate monitor to get a better account of calories burned during my workouts, something inexpensive. Any good suggestions, ladies? Thanks.

    Hi There,
    a HRM is a fantastic idea - at first i got one that i wear like a watch from overstock .com - about 40.00 and it wasn't bad from a function standpoint - found I was not burning as many cals as I thought per the website. I upgraded to a polar FT4 w/ a chest strap that is more accurate and allows me to store my workouts - I love it!! No HRM is 100% but at least this one yells at me when I go out of my target HR zone and give a pretty good estimate of cals burned and amount of time spent in zone. You won't regret the purchase if you're getting serious about your fitness goals.
    good luck!

  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Shredders,
    Got home late last night so no work out for me:yawn: just tooooo tired!! Got rested and was up with a vengence this am and shredded before work for a 231 cal burn per the HRM!
    I plan on some TJ when I get home and a good dinner - thinking steak and some asparagus.

    Hope everyone is having a great day,
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Finished D4L2 - burned 293
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    quick accountability check in - just got in from 35min walk and burned 204 cals! Steak in the oven and asparagus too - and ... drum roll i even have 321 cals left over !! Woo Hoo!!

    Great job Renae on the pm shred - i just do not have the energy for Jillian after work - great job!!

    Have a restful nite
  • jesse14472
    Day 1/Level 2 done. I was okay and thinking it wasn't too bad until she got to the planks. Totally modified the last half of the work out. And what's with the double-jump jump rope...UGH!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Good day all, haveing a good week. Never did the shred today, but I took my daughter for a 30 min walk in the bike stroller, and burned 372 cals. Won't be around tomorrow for we have to go into the city to take my son for allergy tests.
  • Mehs
    Mehs Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, everyone! Just wanted to say something quickly. I started out watching Anita, but the couple of days I"ve been trying to keep up with Natalie. All this time I've been pushing myself to be like her and now I notice that she cheats on one of the exercises! Level 1- lunge w/ bicep curl! Did any of you notice this? As soon as Jillian walks away from her and goes over to Anita, she stops lunging and only does the bicep curl. I guess her legs burn sometimes, too:laugh: . And Jillian thinks they don't cheat even when she's not looking. Now I don't feel so bad anymore about having to stop to breathe:smile:
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hi, everyone! Just wanted to say something quickly. I started out watching Anita, but the couple of days I"ve been trying to keep up with Natalie. All this time I've been pushing myself to be like her and now I notice that she cheats on one of the exercises! Level 1- lunge w/ bicep curl! Did any of you notice this? As soon as Jillian walks away from her and goes over to Anita, she stops lunging and only does the bicep curl. I guess her legs burn sometimes, too:laugh: . And Jillian thinks they don't cheat even when she's not looking. Now I don't feel so bad anymore about having to stop to breathe:smile:

    Yes I noticed that as well. In level 2 she does a few times as well.
  • jesse14472
    Day 2/Level 2 is done. I couldn't quite make myself do it first thing this morning, since I didn't get to bed until really late. After working in my preschool class, I didn't go to the office. So I shredded this afternoon. It actually felt much better in the afternoon....probably b/c I spent all morning getting up and down from the floor, tiny preschool chairs, knees, etc. :laugh: My body must have already been warmed up! I even took the dog for a 30 minute walk before the kids come home from school. We have Girl Scouts tonight, so I know I probably won't get much else in tonight. Have a great day all!
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Day 28 for me today. I changed it up a bit - usually I do my workout and have a shower before I leave the house but I really needed that extra me time without the added pressure so I went for a walk down to hand in my application for a job at the local student pub 30/35 minutes walk away then did the workout after lunch when I got back. Still worked as hard as normal. I refuse to skip a day, especially not at this point. Wouldn't be the 30 Day Shred otherwise.

    On Saturday I'll be doing Day 30 and on Sunday morning I'll check in with measurements as per usual. It's weigh-in day for me tomorrow anyway so anyone who's my friend on here will see if anything changes - I'm not hoping for much because it's stayed at 0.4lbs up from last friday, for a few days now, so we'll see! It's all muscle, baby!

    By the way, I got an interview for the job I went to apply for: over an hour of walking plus a successful application, not quite bad for postponing the workout ;)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Just a quick check in before I'm off to the airport - going to Brazil for a week!! Needless to say I will not be shredding for the week but i will have acess to a spa/gym and be taking advantage of the eliptical et al :wink: LOoking forward to some sun and rest - even though it wil be a working trip.
    I'm not sure about the net over there but I will be checking in when I get back.

    Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday,
