Belly fat!

Hey guys i really need help to get rid of my belly! It is the only part of my body that i absolutely hate ): I don't know how to deal with it and i hope that you guys can tell me what to eat and what exercises i should do to get rid of it asap... Thanks!


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    There is no way to spot reduce. My guess would be that for you to get the tummy you want, your going to need to lift heavy weights*.

    *By this I mean to lift what is heavy for you and slowly progress to heavier weights.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    -Don't hate your body.
    -Continue on calorie deficit, you can't just eliminate fat from an area.
    -Exercise for general health and tightening of the muscles in the abdominal area might help a little - see captains chair, leg lifts, overhead press, and general full body exercises that will help with composition and strength training helps maintain muscle mass during weight loss.
    -You can do crunches til the cows come home, it won't help much. See above points.
  • KristyneSummers
    There is no way to spot reduce. My guess would be that for you to get the tummy you want, your going to need to lift heavy weights*.

    *By this I mean to lift what is heavy for you and slowly progress to heavier weights.

    Hmm... I should lift those weights for how long?
  • KristyneSummers
    -Don't hate your body.
    -Continue on calorie deficit, you can't just eliminate fat from an area.
    -Exercise for general health and tightening of the muscles in the abdominal area might help a little - see captains chair, leg lifts, overhead press, and general full body exercises that will help with composition and strength training helps maintain muscle mass during weight loss.
    -You can do crunches til the cows come home, it won't help much. See above points.

    Okay thanks!!
  • KristyneSummers
    But what should i eat such that those foods won't constitute to belly fats?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    But what should i eat such that those foods won't constitute to belly fats?

    Ignore this. There aren't belly fat foods. Just focus on lifestyle.

    Here read this:
  • Animetuc
    I agree with lifting heavy; but you will not be able to spot reduce so just keep losing weight and you will lose the belly fat. The only way to spot reduce is lipo.