Tough mudder?

So I may have lost my mind but I am considering training for a tough mudder next year. Right now I am working on a couch to 5k program to build up slowly so I don't hurt my knees or develop shin splints. Which is why I'm not so sure I'm in my right mind when I say I'm considering training for this. I want to try but I realize this is no walk in the park. Should I finish the couch to 5k first? Or should I slowly start adding in elements of the tough mudder workouts to help build strength? I've never done anything like this before, I threw in track and field but that was a couple years ago so I am very much unfit. Where should I start?


  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    Build up in stages. Tough Mudder is very tough and endurance is a must. You have to deal with fire, electric shocks, water, mud and then of course, running for miles on end also.

    Get the running sorted and then throw in some weights to build up physical strength once you are comfortable. You needn't do miles on end of running until three months out, giving you time to concentrate on strength.
  • balfit
    balfit Posts: 30
    Hi, if you have the course requirements for the event you'll be able to design the best program for your needds. Cardio endurance specific to running and bodyweight exercises similar to the challenges you will face are the basework required. If the course rquires moving objects, such as big tires, sandbags (xfit style), etc, those are to be included in basework too.
    Speed endurance in running, sprints, jumps, and more advanced work will come after the base is built. Try to find the expected time it will take you to finish the course. This will help you design the duration elements for the cardio/bodyweight/object moving combinations you'll need to design.
    Good luck !
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    I've done 2 Tough Mudders and they're awesome!! Something you may want to consider is trying one of the smaller obstacle races first. The Warrior Dash and the Rugged Maniac are good one to start with. The Spartan Race Sprint (5K) is a shorter race but has a similar feel to the Tough Mudder. Make sure that you develop some good upper body strength and endurance and you'll be fine. If you're planning on doing it next year that's plenty of time to train for it, finish the c25k program and then start adding in strength training. Spartan Race has a workout of the day email they send out every morning, and I believe the Tough Mudder has information on how to traing ofr their races on their website.
  • I think what I will do is finish up the c25k and then start doing the suggested workout from the tough mudder program. They actually have a training program called the tough mudder boot camp so I'll probably see how I do in the c25k fitness wise and then slowly start building with the elements of their boot camp :) I'm excited! Even if I don't do it this coming year if I start building once I'm done with the c25k by the following year I should be ready! I'll also look up the spartan race too it sounds like fun and a good way to see if I will enjoy the extra challenge!
  • KLiK3xs
    KLiK3xs Posts: 43 Member
    Do some 5k Mud Runs, they are fun, and give you an idea of what to expect.