Female Low Testosterone?!?!

So I went to the doctor because Mother Nature hadn't made her monthly visit in like four months. The doctor did some blood tests suspecting some thyroid disorder or what not. He also ran some other tests on my blood to rule out other suspicions... like pregnancy, however that turned out negative. I returned for my follow today and I am otherwise healthy; except that my testosterone is really low, even for a woman. I guess the normal value is between 14 and 74. My testosterone only came back a 13. He also took more blood to check my leutenizing (sp?) hormone and estrogen level. Has anyone else experienced this? I did some googling (worst thing to do ever, right?) And it seems like there is some debate about the validity of a testosterone test on women as there is so little in our blood compared to men, but at the same time I have most of the symptoms and effects of low testosterone and never even thought to consider they were interrelated somehow. The sucky thing is they really can't treat it as my value is to "high" and I would grow a beard and other nasty side effects. They would only treat if it was like a 3 or so. I know halloween is coming up, but I do NOT want to be the bearded lady!!!
