tighten things up? help

hey all.....

while on holidays recently i noticed in the photos that i am still carrying quite a bit of fat. while i am happy with my weight now between ww and mfp i believe that from years of absolutely dreadful dieting and junkl food that the fat is here to stay!!!

i exercise a lot...mostly just cardio though and i still have chubby love handles and wobbly inner thighs. i have lost almost three stone since beginng ww and two stone(28lbs) of it was without exercise...so i believe i now have sagging excess skin on inner thighs and am wondering if there is anyone else out there that has this and is it possible to get rid of it and tone it up. honestly it really really bogs me down. really.

i just wanna tone things up......while i felt ok in my bikini on hols when i saw the pics my thighs were still wobbly and had plenty of meat on the hips.......def didnt show all my hard work...so...from today i am cutting out the junk...this has to have something to do with the weight around these areas. its soooo depressing....my pal always warned me though the bad habits would catch up with me.

sorry for this rant i just really needed to get it off my chest.....mainly i am just lookig for someone to recommend something that def works in burning away the fat and let my six pack show!!!!!!!!!!


  • unocentavo
    unocentavo Posts: 82 Member
    Hey, just keep that food journal consistent. Seeing the extra calories and fat we take in daily is a great motivator. I let my diet get slack, justifying the extra carbs I was taking in and thinking my diet hadn't really changed that much. Then I found this sight and began keying in my daily food intake. I was shocked at how wrong I was! Consistent, sensible dieting, at a moderate pace and upping the cardio intensity will take care of the wobbly bits.
    We'll always be our own worst critic, so keep that in mind too. Your friends would probably honestly tell you, the parts you're most concerned about, they probably never noticed til you brought it up.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I'd add weight training. A lot of people who lose with just diet or with diet and just cardio exercise will have soft muscle that looks like fat hanging. Incorporate a total body weight training workout 2 days a week into your exercise program and I'm sure you'll be happy with the results.
  • ilovebiccies
    thanks to both of you for replying...yeah i love cardio and do about 60-90 mins five days a week....and it really works for the weight loss but still want to tone it all up.

    yeah we def are our own worse critics...i thought my holiday snaps were terrible but everyone else said i had a great shape. its strange...the more we lose and better shape we get in the more hang ups we seem to get and become obsessive.......i must tell myself i am now 35 pounds lighter than i was at my heaviest....and keeping it off. :happy: