Anyone else have problems eating salads?

I've been struggling for as long as I've been dieting with salads. For me, I just hate salad dressings with a passion. But your issue with them may be different, but hear me out. After looking in the internet for what seems like forever, I found the answer for myself and am hoping to shed some light on people who don't like salads, but really want to eat them.

Do you like sandwiches? I do. Every day I have a turkey sandwich with mustard, romaine lettuce, tomato, and cucumber.

Now for my salad, I use romaine lettuce, tomato, cucumber, a couple slices of low calorie deli turkey I tear up, and my favorite sandwich spread, mustard. (I know it sounds weird but believe me it's perfect when you love mustard like I do) Or whatever other veggies I have on hand. Now think about it, my salad is essentially a deconstructed turkey sandwich. But with more leafy veggies than anything. Take your favorite veggies, your favorite deli meat, and your favorite sandwich spread and make a delicious salad! If you like mayo make sure you use it sparringly, it's pretty high in fat and calories. :) Hope this helps someone who was as frustrated as I was!


  • costahobo
    costahobo Posts: 20 Member
    I can't stand salad, and most veggies for that matter. Instead, I take all the veggies that I'd normally put into a salad, and I run it through my juicer. It makes about 2 glasses of juice. I slam em down, done in bout 30 seconds. Ain't no way I'm eating rabbit food, it's just blech!
  • sydneyplainjane
    sydneyplainjane Posts: 140 Member
    I have a hard time eating salads in the winter, or at least cold salads with cold salad dressing. So, what I'll do is let my dressing sit out for a bit...same with the salad. Top it with a piece of warm salmon or warm roasted meat.
  • calicocally
    Oh my goodness I couldn't chug veggies if you paid me lol I have such a bad gag reflex with nasty drinks! (Alchohol, cough syrup)

    I prefer to let my salad sit out as well lol I'm not a big fan of cold food at all. I even let my fruit sit out a bit before I eat it.
  • tilmoph
    tilmoph Posts: 72 Member
    I tried eating salad when I started trying to lose weight for like a week straight. Before dieting, I didn't like salad much. After trying to make myself like salad, I came to the stunning conclusion that I still didn't like salad. Baffling. My solution: don't bother with salads. They are not made of fat eating wizards. They aren't required for anything.

    Now, to be fair, I'm using salad to mean lettuce base with stuff on top. Chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad, those are good. I like those. Just not the veggie salads.
  • mwal74
    mwal74 Posts: 112 Member
    I LOVE salad! I eat at least one every day.
    Now for my salad, I use romaine lettuce, tomato, cucumber, a couple slices of low calorie deli turkey I tear up, and my favorite sandwich spread, mustard. (I know it sounds weird but believe me it's perfect when you love mustard like I do) Or whatever other veggies I have on hand. Now think about it, my salad is essentially a deconstructed turkey sandwich.

    My husband does this for hamburgers without the bread sometimes. He loves it. Keep on being weird, we're all weird in our own little way :)
  • madaughe
    madaughe Posts: 25 Member
    my brother-in-law eats his veggies with mustard... especially broccoli.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I eat one for lunch every day, but it doesn't make me happy. What makes me happy is the amount of sushi i'm going to stuff in my face tonight, because I ate salad for lunch :smooched:
  • muzzatron2000
    Salad can get boring day after day. 2 tips I have for making salad more edible and tasty.

    1. Make your own dressing. When a small glass jar or something is finally finished, wash it and keep it. This is now your dressing mixer. 1 part virgin olive oil and 2 parts good balsamic is your bass. Now added half a teaspoon of anything you like, mustard, garlic, ground basil, anything. Now shake the crap out of it! Home made dressing.

    2. Always included purple cabbage sliced and chopped finely. It will keep salad crunchy and fresh even after 2 or 3 days in the fridge.

  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    bacon bits...and a cream dressing :) that's the key to my success lol