Anyone suffer from Morton's Nuroma?

I was diagnosed with Morton's Nuroma in my left foot 2 weeks ago (it's been hurting for a couple months). My doctor first put me on Meloxicam and told me to ice and heat it. The Meloxicam worked, but it made me so sick (headache, stomach pains, throwing up, heartburn, dizzy, water retention). So he took me off that and put me on Celebrex. I've been taking it for 4 days now and it's not helping AT ALL. The pain is worst and now the numbness is setting in. I was thinking about asking him to just do the cortisone shots when I see him today. I'm terrified of the surgery!!! But if I have to do it I will.

I was just wondering if anyone has/had Morton's Nuroma and what you did for it.

