for the pregnant ladies....??

i know its logical to stay healthy. i dont count calories too much but im aware of what i do consume but ive noticed lately i go over a LOT in sugar, and carbs, and FAT and now noticed my sodium intake was crazy! for any of u pregnant ladies what did u notice helped maintain your weight while pregnant or helped staying healthy? should i be most worried about sugar? Do u think taking notice of these things helped get your body back after pregnancy easier?....just curious


  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    I'm two months post partum and weigh 10 lbs less than when I got pregnant. I ate at maintenance for the first trimester, and added an extra 200-300 calories through the second and third trimesters. Eat as much clean stuff as you can rather than grabbing for pre-packaged foods (the latter is always super high in sodium). I didn't worry about sugar or sodium too much -- there's a lot of sugar in fruit, which I eat a decent amount of. Drink lots of water. Be active if you can (if it's okay with your doctor), even if it's just walking. Try to do some prep and package up your own snacks so you have something to grab when you're hungry and don't feel like fixing something healthy. Yogurt, fruit, veggies, etc. are all pretty easy. Measure out some crackers/hummus or cheese. Things like that.