Awesome motivation

So, I have dropped 10 pounds this month. Got my first "wow, you look skinny" from two of my girlfriends on the same path as I am. But that's not the point.

We had a team event today at work. Climb Mt. Monadnock, followed by beers and bbq at the base.

I am moderately fit, was hiking with a lot of genuine athletes, and a few people below my fitness level.

I did the climb with one girl from an Armenian family who had never hiked in her life. I spent the climb slowing down, helping her out, and encouraging her to take that next step, make it over that next boulder, and the next thing I knew, we had made it to the top (well, ok, 2 hours later we had made it to the top, but still).

Helping someone else out made it less important that I was not in crazy awesome shape, and encouraging her encouraged me. Something to think about.

Oh, and 3+ hours of mountain climbing at my current weight burned roughly 1550 everything I ate today? BURNED BABY!!!


  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    That's awesome! What a great feeling that must have been! :)
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 519 Member
    Very inspirational... I find that often in life helping others makes us realise how far we've come! Sounds like you had fun, and the actual scaling of the mountain was as symbolic as it was real (like that real burn!).

    Thanks for the motivation!