Need encouragement/how to manage hungry/tired/stress all at

Last year I lost nearly 20 pounds and since then,I changed jobs, moved to another state and got plantar fascitis which has significantly slowed my running from 30 miles/week to 15. I've gained all the weight back and as of today I am going to get back in shape. I really need some encouragement-my clothes are getting tight and I don't feel well, but I can't seem to stop eating due to stress. Sometimes I come home and eat a whole cup of almonds or walnuts!!! HELP!!! Does anyone have a good idea for what to do when you're so tired and hungry and stressed to avoid grabbing stuff in the pantry??? Thank you!!!


  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    If you don't buy it you can't eat it. Keep your pantry stocked with healthy snacks. And hey, walnuts and almonds aren't the worst thing in the world for you to grab. If you can't exercise right now, you will have to rely on your diet to lose the weight. Do what you can on the exercise front.

  • alleyg4
    alleyg4 Posts: 26
    Stay busy. I am horrible about eating when I'm bored and stressed so I try my hardest to make sure I'm to busy to be bored. Also, I know when I'm driving I have a hard time not stopping somewhere to get food. So I always try to pre-pack somethign for the drive. For example, I have 55 goldfish crackers. I will be able to have 1 every .5 mile. It makes the drive a little better because I have another thign to focus on. Another idea, if that if you notice you are stressing and eating go on a walk. It doesn't have to be fast and you can always bring your phone to do some work if need be. But moving will help bring down stress and get you away from your food. Hope that helps if you need some mroe suggestions feel free to message me. :-)