Girl been weight training for a while



  • heva__x
    heva__x Posts: 14
    I actually found out about the stronglifts 5x5 programme a few days ago! And completely by accident! I had just started practicing squatting with the free bar and done a google search on squat form etc. I found a video with a french guy explaining how to squat properly and at the end he mentioned the 5x5 programme. I signed up to get the starter kit and I'm so eager to give it a go! Only thing is- I have never done a deadlift, overhead press or bent rows. I only started properly using free weights a couple of weeks ago. Do you have any advice on how to start practising these exercises? I'm going to watch these stronglifts video tutorials for these and see if I can get the jist of it.

    Hi Heather,

    I like to run and lift weights. I had been doing my own thing in the gym with free weights and some resistance machines which I alternated with body pump classes. That was up until about August where I started the Stronglifts 5x5 programme. I only really have time to do 2 weights sessions most weeks so I loosely follow it as they recommend 3 sessions per week. It's quite an easy to follow programme - you do squats, bench press, over head press, bent rows and deadlift. Each workout you will do 3 of the exercises with the squat featuring every workout. The others are alternated. You do 5 sets of 5 reps and beging with a 20kg weight. Each workout you add 2.5kg(or 5lbs) to the bar and build up.

    I've notice a big difference in my physique, strength and my running since I started the programme 8 weeks in and I've not even been following it strictly. If you want to add me feel free and good on you for using exercise to work through the depression. I know it helps me beat the stress and from getting too down when times are hard x
  • heva__x
    heva__x Posts: 14
    Thanks! :)

    I actually stumbled across the stronglifts 5x5 programme a few days ago and I'm really kean to give it a go! The guy seems to really know what he's talking about.
    Good to see someone else enjoying lifting and doing compound lifts, say no to cardio and isolation lifts!! Also good to do something that makes you happy. Check out stronglifts 5x5 or starting strength for some awesome information and FACTS about lifting heavy. Kill all the myths about muscle confusion and having to change things up!
  • Leaping_Lemur
    Leaping_Lemur Posts: 121 Member
    Bump (because there's some great advice here and I want to digest it later).
  • heva__x
    heva__x Posts: 14
    I just finished stage 1 of The New Rules of Lifting for Women. 16 work outs in 5 weeks. You should check that out! As for cardio, the trick is intervals and lots of good music. I chase my lifting routines with a 20 minute work out on the treadmill, hill program at level 20 at 3.7 mph with a 10 pound weight belt on. Oh, and LOTS OF GOOD TUNES! Really makes a difference to the cardio bit! Good luck! You are doing AWESOME!

    I've never heard of this New Rules of Lifting for Women. Thank you for informing me of that! I'm trying to get as much advice as possible on different workouts to try out, the more the merrier!

    Haha, I think that's where I have been going wrong. My headphones broke so everytime I've been going on the treadmill I just can't bear it. Mental note to self- BUY NEW HEADPHONES! I agree, good music does help to give you that boost. Hmmm, I have never thought of getting a weight belt, this may be a good future investment!

    Thankyou soooo much for getting back to me and for the encouragement! Honestly, I am really grateful!
  • heva__x
    heva__x Posts: 14
    Stronglifts 5x5 is something I stumbled across a couple of days ago and I really want to give it a go! How have you been finding it so far? I'm the same, I want to lower my body fat % and also gain as much muscle and strength as possible. I've actually been doing a lot of researching on youtube recently and you're right, there's sooo much useful stuff on there! I didn't know about this stronglifts for ladies, I will need to check that out. Edit- I just had a wee browse on this site but can't find the stronglifts for ladies section. Could you point me in the right direction please? :) Thanks!

    Thanks for the heads up on all this stuff and good luck to you with your training! :)

    I also started Stronglifts 5x5 early in September. My goal is to lose weight, gain muscle (so I can eat more - love to eat), and have a simple program I can do quickly for beginners that isn't hard to follow. Glad you have a trainer, but I think there are some great youtube videos to teach proper form that are a nice reinforcement. There's a Stronglifts group for ladies on here with links to some quality videos.

    Weights are wonderful for depression - like you, everytime I finish a work out, particularly when I'm able to bump up the weights, I feel confident, strong, and happy. I do a little bit of running just because of desperation to drop some pounds, although that would happen anyhow over time as long as you're eating reasonably.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Stronglifts for ladies = stronglifts for guys
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Bump to read later