Need advice on why I feel like i'm starving at night.



  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    This will probably come off as mean, but stop forcing yourself to eat when you're not hungry. Eat at night when you are hungry.
    I don't think this was mean, fwiw. :) OP, I work in the evenings and get the munchies then, too. Just leave yourself 200-300 calories during the day so you can have a snack at night!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I read your post, checked your diary, skipped ahead to page 4, did not read the comments, though it appears you got good advice already. You are eating way too little. During the day you are busy and able to ignore hunger signals. Then you feel it when you settle down in the evening and your body is asking for food. You need to be eating more. There is no benefit to eating such a small amount. It's easy to go to extremes. But, you were eating a lot more than that to gain. Cutting that low is unnecessary and the negative effects will catch up with you in poor health, hair loss, or maybe just having a melt down and emotionally exploding at some random person.

    Edit: Oh, looks like this was all cleared up already.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    your body doesn't have a clock that says oh don't eat after five.. so why not plan for a after dinner snack? try an apple, its full of fiber to keep you full and satisfied, yummy, and not that many calories. There is no reason you should be depriving yourself. You may be getting hungry because your body is losing weight at a steady pace. A good plan is eat every three or so hours each day. The most time you should go without eating food is when you are sleeping. I always have a snack before bed and still lose weight. Since this should be a lifestyle change and not a diet, then you have to ask yourself can you keep being hungry every single day after dinner/before bed for the rest of your life? if you can.. then go ahead only drink water and be happy. I just know that I can not. If my tummy is growling then I am going to feed it.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    ummm... you feel like you didn't eat all day, because you haven't eaten all day.
  • TemikaThompson
    TemikaThompson Posts: 222 Member
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    It could be because your meals aren't at the right intervals, or you're not eating the right foods. Recently I cut out gluten, which meant cutting out a lot of carbs because I chose to stop eating breads and pasta and crackers and cookies. This meant a TON more meat and vegetables throughout the day and WAY less overall calories. I honestly feel satisfied all day long and I've almost completely lost my desire for a midnight snack. Maybe try mixing up your meals a little. Adding more fruits, veggies, and protein, and less carbs?

    Just took a peep into your food log. Try adding some snacks. :)
    No granola/protein bars and stuff like that. Real food snacks. Fruit, vegetables, a cheese stick, a yogurt. I'm a waitress so my life revolved around a snack when I can find time for one. I rarely get a chance to "eat a meal" while I'm working, so I plan out a lot of my foods and brings a variety with me so I have something healthy to choose from. Hope that helps! If you'd like some more meal ideas add me. I'm an open book with my food.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I get this when I don't eat a substantial breakfast that contains both protein and carbs and a lunch that contains both. If I only eat fruit for breakfast and a salad for lunch I will inevitably overeat at around dinner time, because I just don't feel full and keep snacking.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    This is a great thread. Newbie wants help, gets great advice and then actually follows it. Usually it turns into a defensive cat fight.

    I'm not going to bother reiterating all of the good things already stated because you seem to have taken them to heart. I just want to reinforce the idea that you have to find a sustainable long-term happy medium. You've got 3-5 years ahead of you to reach your goal, no one on the PLANET has the willpower and fortitude to starve and suffer for that long. That's why you have to find a middle ground where you're not killing yourself with unreasonable deficits, but you're also still making progress. In fact, I try to eat as much as I possibly can while still losing some/any weight. It's so much more sustainable long-term. For example, right now I'm only losing .4lbs/week on average and I think that's just great.

    It takes time and some trial and error for sure, but you will get it nailed down eventually.

    I know I have a long road ahead of me, but It's worth it. I really want to stick with this and live the rest of my life happy and healthy

    You've gotten some great advice and taken it well. Stick with this, and it can be a a fun, powerful, life changing experience.

    Sarauk2sf gave you a great link, and there are a lot more to be found in the same group. Take the time to read them through and understand what it will take.

    Here's a blog I wrote a while back that may provide some good perspective:

    Good luck!

    I am also pretty impressed with everyone who's participated. Dang. Just bumping all of this for the truthiness.