Hi, I'm Kayla!

I've had problems with my weight since I was a kid. Last year I went on the Atkins Diet and lost 80 pounds in 7 months. Once I reached my goal, I started eating terribly again. I'm now 90 pounds heavier and trying to get back on the wagon again with a healthier approach, just eating right. No "diet"! It's really frustrating starting the process all over again. I threw out all of my "fat clothes" when I lost the weight, so I no longer have much of a wardrobe, haha. My "skinny clothes" are now all in boxes. But, I've learned my lesson this time.

I do have a question with restricting calories.

According to my chart, I should be eating no less than 1,600 calories. Is it alright if I try & do 1,200 a day? I ate 1,200 calories today & had the worst headache all day until I ate again. Is this because my body thought I was starving or because I am going through sugar withdrawal?


  • briandahawaiian
    briandahawaiian Posts: 112 Member
    i sent a FR! i too threw away all my fat clothes, but im going to lose it again for good! anyhow i think the 1200 is too low. you eat more smaller meals a day will help!! you can totally do this!!!
  • candicelh79
    candicelh79 Posts: 42 Member
    There could be many reason why you had a headache today, one of which is cutting down your calories to 1200. If you stopped caffeine that could be another cause. If you are 90lbs overweight 1200 calories is too low for you. Carrying around that excess weight on your day to day activities burns more calories than that. I also did Atkins, for 5 years actually. I can understand why you went back to eating unhealthy, there are so many things you cannot eat on that diet. I did also, which is why I'm on MFP. As for cutting your calories to 1200 so soon, I think you are setting yourself up for the same cycle. At some point 1200 might be appropriate, when you are much closer to your ideal weight range and depending on your activity levels, but definitely not at this point. I know you want the weight off quickly and that is something I struggle with also. The key is to not deprive yourself. Eat healthy, but also allow yourself to have the foods you crave in moderation. You do want to stay away from "trigger" foods if you gave trouble binge eating until you have the self control to resist going overboard. I hope this helps, good luck with your journey, remember eating healthy should be seen as a lifetime change, not a diet. Feel free to add me as a friend.