Do you ever just not feel like eating?

Lately I'm finding I just don't crave food like I used to. My appetite has decreased, and of course, in my case it's due to my strength training. But it's odd because I only ate about 1,000 calories today and the last few days, and I don't even feel like eating more.

Isn't our body supposed to make us want to at least eat the minimum amount of calories it takes to survive? This website seems to say that is 1.200 at the low end.


  • swhiteism
    swhiteism Posts: 71 Member
    Yep, but for me, there are days when I'm absolutely ravenous and days where I don't even want to think about food. I tend to make myself not worry about it. I eat when I'm hungry and don't eat when I'm not.
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    Almost never
  • freak4iron
    freak4iron Posts: 995 Member
    Since I've been bulking it's been happening often enough. Sometimes I wake up with no appetite and the thought of food makes me gag. It really sucks sometimes and I think its from getting sick of eating the same thing day after day in such massive quantities. That's where whey saves my life because I can whip up a 800 cal protein shake no problem and down it in 5 minutes.
  • healthkick_1994
    try and eat roughly 3 hours :)

    they tell you to eat breakfast to get your motabolism going, and then by eating those every 3 hours it keeps it going (burning fat) throughout the hole day!!
  • sweet_blasphemy
    sweet_blasphemy Posts: 129 Member
    on workout days, i'm lucky to net 1000 without really, really having to work at it. it kills my appetite, and i'm not complaining.

    on rest days, i need to have my jaws wired shut to not go over goal. even then, i'd probably find a way to snort or inject food, i'm just starving for no reason.

    just the way it works for me. at least it makes for easy motivation to get to the gym. either get up and get moving or sit around and be consumed by thoughts of food until bedtime.
  • sjanejack
    sjanejack Posts: 158
    yeah, sometimes, even without working out or exercising
  • irunforcookies
    irunforcookies Posts: 111 Member
    Ha! I read this wrong. I thought it said "Do you ever just feel like eating", and I was like - every darn day! Seriously though, you didn't get overweight by eating only 1000 calories a day, so don't go on like this for too long. It will only backfire. When I was much younger I underate quite often, but then I would find myself incredibly hungry days or weeks later, and would binge for days, then give up "dieting" all together. It was too hard. That's why I enjoy eating well every day! Keep those calories up, the weight will still come off, and you'll be in a better place in a month.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    Only when I'm very, very sick. That doesn't happen very often since my stomach is made of cast iron and will accept anything I feed it. Upper respiratory illnesses don't stop me from wanting to eat. It would be nice not to be hungry every three hours, every day.
  • SlimmingMeDown
    SlimmingMeDown Posts: 63 Member
    on workout days, i'm lucky to net 1000 without really, really having to work at it. it kills my appetite, and i'm not complaining.

    on rest days, i need to have my jaws wired shut to not go over goal. even then, i'd probably find a way to snort or inject food, i'm just starving for no reason.

    just the way it works for me. at least it makes for easy motivation to get to the gym. either get up and get moving or sit around and be consumed by thoughts of food until bedtime.

    That's what initially got me working out. On the days I exercised I knew I had control over my appetite. On days I didn't I was constantly munching. Now I am getting control over my appetite in general.
  • SlimmingMeDown
    SlimmingMeDown Posts: 63 Member
    Ha! I read this wrong. I thought it said "Do you ever just feel like eating", and I was like - every darn day! Seriously though, you didn't get overweight by eating only 1000 calories a day, so don't go on like this for too long. It will only backfire. When I was much younger I underate quite often, but then I would find myself incredibly hungry days or weeks later, and would binge for days, then give up "dieting" all together. It was too hard. That's why I enjoy eating well every day! Keep those calories up, the weight will still come off, and you'll be in a better place in a month.

    Yes, I don't want to wind up with a pile of empty doughnut boxes around me. Maybe I need to just add some cals intentionally to make 1,200 at least.
  • SlimmingMeDown
    SlimmingMeDown Posts: 63 Member
    Since I've been bulking it's been happening often enough. Sometimes I wake up with no appetite and the thought of food makes me gag. It really sucks sometimes and I think its from getting sick of eating the same thing day after day in such massive quantities. That's where whey saves my life because I can whip up a 800 cal protein shake no problem and down it in 5 minutes.

    I can imagine if you're building muscle that it really regulates your appetite and it must be generally difficult to force yourself to have a high-calorie consumption daily.

    I'll say one thing. Any cravings I do have on strength training days tend to be for a big piece of chicken breast or some hard-boiled eggs. I guess the muscles crave protein.
  • cathe10
    Yes....but for me this has been a negative....I don't eat all day then when I finally do it late and something bad and smalll quantity...yet I'm.80 lbs. Over weight. I get why...I'm starving myself and my body is holding onto fat. Buttttt, that's changed I'm MAKING myself eat five times a day. So, for so good.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Yes, I have experienced that. But I will force food down if I'm under my target for the day.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Honestly? Never. And I eat at least 2550/day right now, often more.

    Also, re: the person who suggested that you're "building muscle" and that could be affecting your appetite - no. There's no way you're building anything on a deficit like that. If anything, you're going to lose substantial lean body mass by eating that low. Please remember that normal hunger signals can be affected by low-calorie diets - this is why anorexics often state that they simply don't feel hungry. They truly don't, because their body has given up on them. Eat. Fuel your body and your workouts.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    There are days when I feel like eating EVERYthing and then there are days when I wish I didn't have to eat at all because it's such a hassle. On those days, I wish I lived in a futuristic world where I could just scan my hand or other body part and have all my nutrients downloaded automatically without having to take the trouble to find something to eat.:laugh: I hate having to plan my day around the questions of "what foods can I pack ahead to take with me?" and "where can I just stop and get something to eat?".

    Kind of like a car I used to have that was a massive gas guzzler AND had a hole in the gas tank at the halfway mark. It seemed as if I had to get gas every 45 minutes.It was just a huge hassle and I always had to plan my trip around refueling. :grumble:
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    On hot days with long runs. But I use some high-calorie foods like nuts and added extra virgin olive oil to get caught up. Those calories add up fast. I also find that I am hungry on my rest day - I can easily eat twice my calories if I don't watch it.
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    I feel like that when my sleep schedule is off. If I get a late start to the day because of oversleeping or something, I tend to have to 'force' myself to eat because I just won't feel hungry at all. Almost the same feeling I get when I'm sick, if that makes any sense.

    Although on the days where I'm rested I never feel like that.
  • Amy11108
    Nope I always want to eat :mad:
  • katy_jean_hall
    yes. usually on weekends that happens
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Yes, but other times I feel like eating a lot, and it seems to even out.