first 1/2 marathon

So next Sunday is my first half marathon. It is supposed to be 48 and possibly rainy. I have not run in the rain or in temps below 60. Any suggestions on how i should dress? This week is beautiful, i was hoping it would last one more week.


  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I usually go off the rule of (in degrees F) that I add 20 degrees F to the outside temperature and dress for that temperature. So if its going to be 48 then I would dress as if it were 68 because your body warms up so much when running. So dress based on how you feel at that warmer temperature. I would probably still wear a short sleeve shirt and shorts but if you get chilly easily, especially with light rain, you could do long sleeve.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member

    Check that out. I've found it to be right on. But relax a bit, it's early to rely on the weather forecast. I was getting roughly the same picture as you for my race tommorrow when I checked last week and now it's supposed to be 62 and sunny.